Friday, November 28, 2008

Thyroid Self Measurement at Home

Most MD's use blood tests called T3, T4, and T7 to determine thyroid activity in patients. By comparing these blood readings to what is called "normal" ranges, MD's determine whether you are "normal:, "Low", or "High".

One of the reasons why three tests are used is because none of them are very accurate.  I have seen many persons who were told they were in the "normal" range, but when they test themselves with the accurate temperature test below, they were found to be very hypothyroid (low in activity).

Dr. A physician way ahead of his time, Broda Barnes found that body basal temperature was a very good measure of thyroid activity, and particularly upon awakening. Dr Barnes wrote a book about thyroid activity and the various ills and problems from both hyper and hyopo thyroid.

I am indebted to Dr. Roy Kupsinel of Orlando Florida for introducing me to Dr. Barnes book, and other help we was free with.

Testing Thyroid Activity
Shake down a regular mercury type thermometer before bed - be sure it's down below 95 degrees.  Next morning, on awakening, put the thermometer under your arm with the bulb in the armpit with no clothing between it and the armpit.For at least 10 minutes (using snooze alarm if you have it), leave it in place.  Just drowse for that time lying still.

Take the thermometer out after 10 minutes, read the result, and write it down immediately. On waking, most people don't think clearly and might forget the reading).

This test gives you what is called "Early Basal Temperature", and "normal" range is between 97.8 and 98.2.A reading taken by armpit is somewhat lower and somewhat more accurate than that taken by mouth.  If you have a low-grade infection this may read higher than your "normal", therefore if it’s in that range, you should repeat the above procedure every other day for a week or so.Repeat several times during a menstrual period if female.

If higher than the above range, you are probably hyperthyroid, (or you may have an infection somewhere), and if lower, then you are probably hypothyroid.(hyper means high, and hypo means low in doctorese.)

Just some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism can be:  obesity, depression, low energy, fatigue, many infections, chronic headaches, circulatory problems, chronic skin problems, poor memory and/or concentration, eczema, Psoriasis, irregular menstrual periods, neuroticism, irritability, hair loss, and lots more.

A serious problem that many who are hypothyroid suffer from is obesity.If you have a hypothyroid, your metabolism rate is low, and your body is storing energy as fat.  A hyperthyroid person is usually always fairly thin no matter what they eat.(don't you just hate those lucky ones?)!)

To treat hypothyroidism, you can try to find an MD, or a DO, who will write you a prescription for Armour Natural.You may be able to purchse from Canadian drugstores much cheaper than US ones once you get a prescription.

Most MD's prescribed Synthroid, but the "natural" Armour Thyroid has been found to be better lately.  Or, you can go to a good health food store and get a "glandular" that contains thyroid (along with other glandulars usually).For a week, start with two glandulars per day and use the test above to find out your best supplement dose.


Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

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