Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dirty Tricks by Big Pharma (Drug Mfrs)

A corporation with a heart? Bah humbug!  No large corporation ever gave it’s workers anything they weren’t forced into by competition or unionization. Big corporations fostered that myth.  Let’s look at one completely without a heart - Big Pharma!

Selling their products is much more important to Big Pharma than killing a “few” customers.  How dirty can you get?  It isn’t enough that drug companies use phony or “selective” test reports to get their drugs approved by the FDA.Big Pharma has also managed to get a majority of drug manufacturers employees on the FDA board that approves all new drugs! It's true, the FDA, originally formed to protect us, now only protects Big Pharma from us!)  

Not only the FDA is "controlled" by Big Pharma, but the Center for.  Did you know that the Bush Administration and the CDC as well as the FDA (and Big Pharma) all knew that mercury (in childhood vaccines as a preservative to lengthen shelf life was causing autism in children years before it became known to the public?  That’s how strong Big Pharma is.  They believe that destroying infants and children lives (and bankrupting many parents) rather than immediately recalling products and losing money is a better choice! 

They have been caught using "selected" reports, and even phony reports in order to fool consumer and MD's into believing that vitamin supplements aren't necessary.  If that’s so, why are drug companies all over the world trying to take over this supplement business?  You know that supplements will increase in price if that happens!

Here’s some facts that you probably didn’t know.  Did you know that the fourth leading cause of death in the US is prescription drugs?The American Medical Association Journal quoted that statistic.This numbermay be much higher according to Dr. “Death by Medicine”, a book by Gary Null.  (This article is available by typing “Death by Medicine” into a search engine.)

Did you also know that drug deaths have doubled since the FCC allowed drug TV and radio advertising with the “spins” on side effects minimized cleverly?Would you really buy a product that "might cause death" (which is what they really say, if you really listened to the soothing voice, and were not distracted by the subtle video effects. 

Did you know that third year medical school students get gifts and even money every month?Thousands of dollars every month are spent by Big Pharma on every MD, ranging from "free" samples to actual bribery.  That’s bribery, but it’s spun to look better.A few of the better MD’s are starting to refuse such samples, and some are not even allowing drug salespeople in their office.  All too few.

Did you know that a huge percentage of so-called "new" drugs are actually old drugs that are re-packaged and sold at a higher price?

The ultimate in “spin”, worthy even of Carl Rove. is what I found out recently. Big Pharma's lobby actually commissioned authors to write a novel about terrorists in Canada poisoning drugs that were bought by US citizens.  The book deal fizzled, and the authors reportedly were offered $100,000 to keep the deal quiet.  This was first reported by Lloyd Grove, a columnist for the New York Daily News,

This same lobby had its budget increased by one million bucks just to discourage US citizens from buying Canadian drugs according to reports.

We can all understand why Big Pharma needs to stop drug buying in Canada.  Those drugs are sold there at half or less of the US price.  This loses profit, and it also makes the truth about drug actual costs pretty plain to all.The drug industry is one of the richest in this country, and Big Pharma, their organization, is one of the strongest.

Their claim that these excessive profits are needed for research on new drugs is another "spin", as their advertising cost much more than research.  Just a little independent research on this shows that most drug companies spend more on advertising drugs than they do on research.
That doesn't even include the huge amounts spent in actual bribing MD's.

That book has an interesting sidelight.The bookm was supposedly “dumbed” down because Big Pharma knew that women bought most of the drugs, and they think that women are dumb?Who's the dummy now?

Could Big Pharma really be evil enough and greedy enough to actually hire such a scenario?  If so, how would anybody know whether it was terrorists or just the “normal” drug deaths for a long time?

Take a look at the possible scenario of such a book.  First of all, virtually all the drugs sold from Canada are from US Drug Firms.  They are packaged safely and it would be very difficult to insert poison into them.  One way would be to form a new Canadian firm that sells drugs.  These could now be opened and poisoned, and then sold.  Sooner or later, such deaths would be detected, and the tracing back to the manufacturer, and then to the “new” company.  This company would be shut down, and probably some people would go to jail (I don’t count on that).

So, whose brainchild was this?  I don’t know, but his kind seems to be replicating more and more.Truth is losing out to slogans, and the US is worse off for it. 

Adding to Big Pharma’s accomplishments is their success in not only the FDA, but also with the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  Did you know that the Bush Administration and the CDC as well as the FDA (and Big Pharma) all knew that mercury (in childhood vaccines as a preservative to lengthen shelf life was causing autism in children years before it became known to the public?  That’s how strong Big Pharma is.Big Pharma obviously believes that destroying children lives (and bankrupting many parents) is better than losing money by recalling such drugs! 

Unless we stop these huge corporations that would rather kill people than lose money, we are not safe.  Big money is big power in too many ways, and power corrupts! 

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

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