Saturday, November 29, 2008

Solving All Mental Problems

Neuroliminal Training (NT) is a new drugless therapy that works for most mental problems.

NT hasn't any bad side effects!

NT is affordable even to low income families (unlike EEG Biofeedback!

NT is used at home.

NT changes brain wave amplitudes by subliminal messaging.

NT is much simpler and much less expensive than EEG biofeedback, (aka Neurofeedback).

In 6 separate volunteer tests over the past 4 years, it has clearly shown that it is at least equally successful to EEG Biofeedback, a proved albeit very expensive therapy.(Cost is the only real difference.)

Success rates are so good that "noticeable improvement", even on autism cases is guaranteed within 6-8 weeks or money back".Nowhere in the "health business" will you find such a guarantee!  NT has been used with ADD-Autism, depression, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and much more.

How does it work?A special combination of speech and audio subliminal sounds are combined with a "surf sound" overlay on a repeating CD.It's called by some “beneficial brainwashing”.

Unlike most subliminal messaging techniques, NT doesn't attempt to change behavior, but does change the amplitude of various brain waves.  This is just what EEG biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback) has done so well for over 40 years.Cost is the only real difference!

I first proposed a theory of how and why both Neuroliminal and Neurofeedback (EEG BF) work  at an Alternate Medicine seminar in Tbilisi  (Soviet) Georgia in 2000.My theory says "Raising the SMR brain wave SOMEHOW changes the affect of allergens on the brain".  Using either one alleviates or "cures" allergies and sensitivities.  Since allergy is a huge (often unsuspected) stress, and stress is the major factor in all mental problems, it works.  (No one to date "knows" much about the "SOMEHOW.)

A test that was done in 2006/2007 had 9 autistic kids, ranging in age from 3-11.  Those results showed a very similar overall improvement in an 8 week reporting period as would be expected in a similar group using Neurofeedback.Only 2 Autistic CD Packages have been returned for a refund, out of over 150 sold to date.

An earlier test in 2005 with 23 volunteers reporting results showed all 23 were successful.ADD/ADHD cases were the majority, and all were considered "cured". (Cure is when they sit still in class, learn, get higher grades and IQ scores go up).Some depression cases reported good success and 2 autistic cases also reported significant progress and were continuing use of NT.

A synopsis of tests from 2004 to 2007 is available at patent Pending was applied for on this new usage).Most people use it while sleeping, but some have used it as "background" during the day with good results as well.

Are there any potential dangers or drawbacks to this new therapy?  The only real drawback is that it takes time to really “brainwash” beneficially.No real danger has ever been shown in either Neurofeedback or Neuroliminal.Slow and steady wins the race, like the tortoise.

Neurofeedback definitely works for most of these mental problems.It's works "miracles", but unlike a magic pill, it takes time.

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and much more. –


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