Sunday, November 30, 2008

Natural Cold Sore Remedy – Herbal Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores can last up to two weeks; this annoying and painful condition is something terrifying. Many people have resort to natural cold sore remedy when all other medical treatment has failed to bring significant results. Up to this day, medical treatment has only able to give temporary relief, with some prolonged side effects that can take a toll upon your body for a lifetime.

1. Contagious Disease

Cold sore appears outside of your mouth, and extremely contagious therefore you should avoid direct contact especially with your lips. The cause of cold sores is a virus that can attack children and adults with low immune system in a blink of an eye. Also cold sores have a reputation to pop up at the wrong time, during this period you might want to limit your activities.

2. Ice Cub

The most common and cheapest of all cold sore treatment is ice. Putting ice around an infected area for around 15 minutes every hour can greatly reduce the spread of your cold sore. However, ice can only ease the symptom but not curing the root of the problem. You have to combine this treatment with another natural cold sore remedy for maximum effectiveness.

3. Other Natural Remedies

Other natural remedies you can use to cure cold sores are the type of remedies that can increase your immune system and have an antiviral quality. Several of those remedies for example are tea bag, tea tree oil, lemon balm, and Echinacea.

There is also a drink that supposedly can cure cold sore using a combination of tea tree oil, herbal sage, and violet, these three ingredients available at local health and food stores at a very cheap price.

Natural cold sore remedy is still the best solution for treating cold sores because it is cost effective and has less side effects.

If you want to know how to cure cold sores naturally and effectively using natural remedies, i recommend Grace Melgarejo Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days. Learn more by checking out my Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days review.

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