Friday, November 14, 2008

Solving Herpes Problems

Herpes is a viral disease that "hides" mostly in fatty tissue that surrounds nerve cells and pathways.  There are three classified types of common human herpes, although the first two below are the same virus found in different places.

Herpes Simplex 1:  This is the most common, and it usually occurs on or around the lips, (commonly known as cold sores)  but it can occur anywhere on the body.  It is often transmitted to other persons via kissing.   

Herpes Simplex 2: This has become known as "genital herpes", as it is usually transmitted by gentital contact. It is actually the same disease as Herpes 1 above..

Herpes Zoster:  Also known as "Shingles", this can be the most painful of all.  It is considered to be a "left-over" or mutated form of chicken pox that lies dormant (or can) for many years and suddenly appears.  It affects many older persons.

All of these forms are generated to a large extent by stress as a major factor.There are several other factors involved however.  It's important to understand these to help prevent outbreaks.

Herpes viruses require a certain imbalance of two amino acids to reproduce.  These are Argenine and Lysine.  If, and when, the Argenine level gets high, and the Lysine level gets low, conditions are favorable and Herpes comes out to play (reproduce).

The usual first notice is an itch that rapidly becomes as small reddened areas with very small pimples.  Don't kiss anyone or have sex without a condom (depending on the area of the Herpes outbreak) during this time. Herpes is spread by simple contact, and is very infectious.

There is no cure for herpoid viruses to date.  Herpes is estimated to affect 80 million people in America, and about 20% of the US population has genital Herpes.

We can't cure Herpes, but we can have some measure of control of infectious outbreaks.  If we keep the level of Lysine high, the conditions for reproduction are limited.High Lysine levels also help keep the heart healthy - another benefit.  It should be noted that this is not always that simple.  Our diet is important.  Sugar, chocolate, and nuts are high in Argenine, and many athletes use Argenine as strength building.Herpes shows up when there are a lot of sweets and nuts, typically Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and has been called the "holiday disease.

I've had genital Herpes for 60 years, and have never infected another person to my knowledge.Years ago, I learned what is written here, and was careful not to infect others.

In later years, I've found that I require more Lysine than I did 40 years ago, when I discovered the Lysine/Argenine balance.I still very occasionally get an outbreak, even though I take 1000 mg of Lysine a day. (I drink "dark" chocolate instead of coffee most days.)

Dealing with an outbreak
In spite of "best intentions", we humans fail.  We overeat those foods that are high in Argenine, and we have stress almost constantly, so we will get outbreaks.Several different remedies are available, some OTC (over the counter), and some prescription.

First take care of the affected skin area.The area should be kept clean and dry during episodes. From the time of first notice of symptoms (typically tingling, itching, burning) avoid any contact with area until all sores are completely healed and scabs are gone.  Until that time, you and your "discards" are highly infectious.  The scabs and any other residue that is on your clothes is dangerous, and it's possible to re-infect yourself and others.

Next, treat the outbreak carefully.  Valtrex and similar ointments do help to dry up the infection quickly, but I found a simpler and much cheaper way years ago. Simply wet a corner of an ordinary bar of soap and rub it thoroughly over the infected area, coating it.  I then scratch the area, and break the small pimples while doing this.  This kills the virus and disinfects the area.

Wash hands thoroughly, and let the soapy area dry, or put a large bandaid over it before putting closthes on.  Tiny scabs are formed immediately, and within a few days, the tiny scabs are gone and the skin is "normal".

There are some that will disagree with this, but it's been very effective for me, and many others I've advised.A no-brainer - soap is cheap and available, and you avoid doctors and drugs.

If you understand and follow these simple instructions, then Herpes Simplex isn't that much of a problem.

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. – http://ADHD-Autism

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