Monday, November 17, 2008

Alone With A Heart Attack

You suddenly feel a severe pain in your chest, and you are alone.The pain is going outwards to your left arm, and it's radiating up all the way to your jaw area.  Almost certainly you’re having a serious heart attack.

Your decision has to be made in about 10 seconds.  Your heart is stopping, and you’ll be losing consciousness unless you do something right now!  

Start coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. Take as deep a breath as you can before each cough. Make the coughs deep and prolonged like when you are trying to get up sputum from deep down. Until competent help arrives, or you can tell that the heart is again beating normally, keep repeating the deep cough every 40-60 times per minute.Cough even if it's painful!

Decision time is RIGHT NOW!The question you need to ask yourself is "How can I get the fastest CPR or help?

1.While coughing call 911.
2.If anyone is near, scream for help (hoping that they know CPR, or that they can get someone who does quickly.

You MUST get CPR immediately or you may die, or even worse, damage the brain enough to live like a vegetable.  

The coughing muscular movements squeeze the heart, keeping the blood circulating to the brain. The deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs,.

This deep brath and coughing routine has another important benefit.  The squeezing pressure on the heart may even help it regain normal rhythm.  In this way, heart attack victims can often get to a hospital and live a lot longer.

One case was reported where the victim was driving about 5 minutes from a hospital, and managed to stay alive while driving this distance by simply using this deep breath/cough routine.  

Five minutes or even longer is a huge improvement on 10-30 seconds of heart stoppage.Try to save your own life.

Consider taking a simple CPR course. You could me the one saving another life.  Saving another persons life!We all need ego satisfaction, and that's a great way to get it.     

CPR is pretty simple to learn, and almost everyone can learn how to do it effectively and safely.  

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

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