Sunday, November 30, 2008

Natural Cold Sore Remedy – Herbal Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores can last up to two weeks; this annoying and painful condition is something terrifying. Many people have resort to natural cold sore remedy when all other medical treatment has failed to bring significant results. Up to this day, medical treatment has only able to give temporary relief, with some prolonged side effects that can take a toll upon your body for a lifetime.

1. Contagious Disease

Cold sore appears outside of your mouth, and extremely contagious therefore you should avoid direct contact especially with your lips. The cause of cold sores is a virus that can attack children and adults with low immune system in a blink of an eye. Also cold sores have a reputation to pop up at the wrong time, during this period you might want to limit your activities.

2. Ice Cub

The most common and cheapest of all cold sore treatment is ice. Putting ice around an infected area for around 15 minutes every hour can greatly reduce the spread of your cold sore. However, ice can only ease the symptom but not curing the root of the problem. You have to combine this treatment with another natural cold sore remedy for maximum effectiveness.

3. Other Natural Remedies

Other natural remedies you can use to cure cold sores are the type of remedies that can increase your immune system and have an antiviral quality. Several of those remedies for example are tea bag, tea tree oil, lemon balm, and Echinacea.

There is also a drink that supposedly can cure cold sore using a combination of tea tree oil, herbal sage, and violet, these three ingredients available at local health and food stores at a very cheap price.

Natural cold sore remedy is still the best solution for treating cold sores because it is cost effective and has less side effects.

If you want to know how to cure cold sores naturally and effectively using natural remedies, i recommend Grace Melgarejo Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days. Learn more by checking out my Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days review.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Panic Away Review – Is Joe Barry Panic Away Scam Or The Real Deal?

A lot of good inventions appear from frustration and this was the case with the Panic Away method by Joe Barry.

Because he suffered from chronic anxiety disorder, Joe was under the normal treatment in such cases, including meditation and relaxation techniques. He always knew though, that these techniques are strategies for dealing with this disorder, not a cure.

One important discovery that Joe made while looking at different techniques dealing with cognitive behavior, used by psychologists in the treatment of anxiety attacks, was the discovery behind the One Move Technique.

Most of the Panic Away course deals with this technique called One Move. If you read through this course you will go through all the anxiety attack stages and learn how to use the One Move technique to stop the attacks.

Joe took 10 years to refine his method and over 14,000 people learned how to use it already.
By using the One Move technique you don´t have to rely on lifestyle changes, medication or relaxation exercises. By using it you should eliminate the anxiety attacks permanently.

After you read about the One Move technique, you will read about the Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He also gives you a lot of information about nutrition and how to defend against anxiety attacks through diets. At the end, he gives you information about medication and when you should use it. You can also read about how the body works and what can make it go astray.

The book is only 60 pages long and it´s full of facts. It´s quite easy to understand by anyone that reads it.

With the book comes a 60 day money back guarantee. It might not be as long as we´d like, but the value is there. So is Joe Barry Panicaway scam? I leave that up to you to decide.

Discover how I managed to cure my panic attack problems with Joe Barry Panic Away. Click here to read my Panic away review. Learn whether does panic away work?

Solving All Mental Problems

Neuroliminal Training (NT) is a new drugless therapy that works for most mental problems.

NT hasn't any bad side effects!

NT is affordable even to low income families (unlike EEG Biofeedback!

NT is used at home.

NT changes brain wave amplitudes by subliminal messaging.

NT is much simpler and much less expensive than EEG biofeedback, (aka Neurofeedback).

In 6 separate volunteer tests over the past 4 years, it has clearly shown that it is at least equally successful to EEG Biofeedback, a proved albeit very expensive therapy.(Cost is the only real difference.)

Success rates are so good that "noticeable improvement", even on autism cases is guaranteed within 6-8 weeks or money back".Nowhere in the "health business" will you find such a guarantee!  NT has been used with ADD-Autism, depression, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and much more.

How does it work?A special combination of speech and audio subliminal sounds are combined with a "surf sound" overlay on a repeating CD.It's called by some “beneficial brainwashing”.

Unlike most subliminal messaging techniques, NT doesn't attempt to change behavior, but does change the amplitude of various brain waves.  This is just what EEG biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback) has done so well for over 40 years.Cost is the only real difference!

I first proposed a theory of how and why both Neuroliminal and Neurofeedback (EEG BF) work  at an Alternate Medicine seminar in Tbilisi  (Soviet) Georgia in 2000.My theory says "Raising the SMR brain wave SOMEHOW changes the affect of allergens on the brain".  Using either one alleviates or "cures" allergies and sensitivities.  Since allergy is a huge (often unsuspected) stress, and stress is the major factor in all mental problems, it works.  (No one to date "knows" much about the "SOMEHOW.)

A test that was done in 2006/2007 had 9 autistic kids, ranging in age from 3-11.  Those results showed a very similar overall improvement in an 8 week reporting period as would be expected in a similar group using Neurofeedback.Only 2 Autistic CD Packages have been returned for a refund, out of over 150 sold to date.

An earlier test in 2005 with 23 volunteers reporting results showed all 23 were successful.ADD/ADHD cases were the majority, and all were considered "cured". (Cure is when they sit still in class, learn, get higher grades and IQ scores go up).Some depression cases reported good success and 2 autistic cases also reported significant progress and were continuing use of NT.

A synopsis of tests from 2004 to 2007 is available at patent Pending was applied for on this new usage).Most people use it while sleeping, but some have used it as "background" during the day with good results as well.

Are there any potential dangers or drawbacks to this new therapy?  The only real drawback is that it takes time to really “brainwash” beneficially.No real danger has ever been shown in either Neurofeedback or Neuroliminal.Slow and steady wins the race, like the tortoise.

Neurofeedback definitely works for most of these mental problems.It's works "miracles", but unlike a magic pill, it takes time.

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and much more. –


Friday, November 28, 2008

Why Low Blood Sugar Causes Panic/Anger Attacks

The medical term for low blood sugar is hypoglycemia. The brain requires large amounts of glucose and oxygen for fuel.  When the glucose level goes below a certain point, a hypoglycemic episode may occur. This can become almost any symptom up to and including coma and even death. In most cases, such a hypoglycemic episode may only cause drowsiness or sleepiness, but fainting and passing out is not unknown. Some males may have an "explosive" anger attack.  Some females may have an anxiety attack.

Let’s first examine the actual cause of the "new" disease label (for insurance purposes) called “Explosive Anger Disorder”.Because of excessive insulin released, both adrenalin and testosterone may be released in males with blood sugar going low. In some males, this combination causes what is called "undifferentiated" rage.

This is undoubtedly is a part of the current "road rage" problem as well as childhood male tantrums, spousal abuse, bar fights, etc.

Temper tantrums are not unusual, particularly in "spoiled kids", but if it occurs about 3-4 hours after a "sweet meal", you can be pretty sure that child has a sugar handling problem, and needs to limit carbohydrates/sugars.

Females, also release hormones and fatty acids into the bloodstream when glucose levels go low.  However, release of estrogen doesn't act like testosterone.  Instead of "anger", this combination may cause anxiety, and even depression.

Hypoglycemia is usually caused by too much insulin driving too much glucose into the body cells, which depletes the supply of glucose available to the brain (and other areas).  Since the brain depends on a constant supply of both oxygen and glucose to even function, there are several methods that the body uses to make sure that glucose is available.  First is the release of adrenalin (the fight or flight response in effect.  If this not enough, then fatty acids and hormones are released and changed into glucose.    

Since glucose is as necessary to proper brain function as is oxygen, there are many different symptoms possible. These can range from a simple yawn about a half hour to an hour after eating, to a full-blown anxiety attack, or even a real depression (the term "sugar blues" has a basis in real fact), passing out/fainting, or even death for diabetics, or almost anything in between. Sometimes, allergies can cause similar symptoms, or even cause a hypoglycemic episode!

Too much insulin can be the result of a sugar overload, and this can cause hypoglycemia even in non-diabetics. This can be as simple as eating a doughnut or drinking a full glass of orange juice on an empty stomach for sensitive persons. (It happened to me once!) The response to low sugar/glucose is individual, and everyone reacts slightly differently. Also, one person can eat a dozen doughnuts one time with no bad effects, and have a hypoglycemic episode from just one doughnut at another time.

Let's look at a simple example, which will help clear up some of the confusion surrounding this subject. If a normal (whatever that is) person eats an apple, he/she will gain approximately the equivalent of 3 teaspoons of sugar. Digesting the apple takes about 3 hours in the following way

1. As sugar is absorbed in the mouth,  the incoming amount is measured and the brain determines how much insulin to release into the blood. Let's call this process a "sugarstat" for simplicity. We don't fully understand how it works, but we do know the effects.

2. From millions of years of evolution, the sugarstat "knows" that with the amount of sugar absorbed over a certain time it needs a certain amount of insulin and releases that amount accordingly.

3. Now, it takes 3-4 hours for all the sugar to be digested from the apple fiber as it passes thru the digestive system. The insulin released lasts about 3 hours, and it matches the incoming amount as measured by the sugarstat.

So, eating an apple has an immediate effect of raising glucose (blood sugar) somewhat, and this "blip" is fast compensated for by insulin release, and from that point the incoming sugar is pretty well balanced by insulin release over the three or so hours of digestion. In effect, there is very little change in blood sugar, and that's what nature intended - the sugarstat is working as designed.

The situation is drastically different if we "pre-digest" the same apple by squeezing it in a cider press. In effect, all we have removed is the fiber, and retained all the sugar, vitamins/minerals, etc. (A glass of apple juice might contain the juice from 10 apples or 30 teaspoons of sugar). Now, there is much more sugar absorbed within minutes, and the sugarstat is "fooled" into releasing many times the amount of insulin actually needed as a result.

Remember that for millions of years of evolution, we didn't have cider presses, let alone the "designer" apples of today. And the processed foods!  We simply aren’t designed to handle the amounts of sugar we get.  (In the 1800’s the average intake of sugar was about 5 pounds per year.  Today it’s over 200 pounds.)

This "overdose" of insulin drives blood sugar into body cells at a furious rate, and even though the blip is now much larger, it quickly lowers it.

The sugarstat has released enough insulin for 3 hours of digestion, but all the sugar is actually digested and within the bloodstream within minutes. This results in way too much insulin (hyperinsulinism), since enough insulin has been released for three hours of this same amount of intake. The sugarstat has been "fooled", by not evolving far enough to handle our "modern" food processing.  

This excess insulin "drives" all the glucose it can find in the blood into the body cells (its job). This results in a shortage of glucose to the brain.

Now, since the brain MUST have glucose as well as oxygen, for fuel, several body mechanisms go into action to raise the glucose. (Few people realize that without BOTH glucose AND oxygen, brain cells start to die in about 4-5 minutes).

The two most important body hyperinsulinism defenses are adrenalin release, which releases stored glucose for emergencies (the flight/fight response), and the release of some fats and sex hormones that can be converted to glucose fairly quickly. 

From the above scenario, it can be seen that hypoglycemia isn't really an actual disease, but in fact, it is actually normal to we humans, even though the effects are individual and may vary greatly. It's our modern sugary diet full of processed and/or pre-digested food that's really to blame.

These body defenses against low blood sugar also cause some very different symptoms in different individuals. This is usually about 3+ hours after eating a sugary processed meal.  This time may also vary from about 2.5 hours to 5 hours in different individuals at different times.

I once helped to save a marriage by simply advising the husband to eat a handful of peanuts and raisins every two hours after lunch. Around 3PM, as her boss, he inspected her work and she couldn't do anything right according to him. He got angry every day - he ate a candy bar and a soda every lunch!!) 

Anyone who has a sugar handling problem might be well advised to carry a bag of peanuts and raisins around, and make sure that they eat a handful every two hours or so. The ratio of about 1 raisin for every 5 nuts seems to work well.) The raisins will provide glucose within a relatively short time, and the peanuts will provide protein and fats that can be converted into glucose over a longer time. This was what I usually advised hypoglycemic sensitive persons to do, and it works well. Eating 6-8 small meals daily is a good idea for hypoglycemic persons. A meal might be a hard-boiled egg, or half an apple, etc.

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –


Thyroid Self Measurement at Home

Most MD's use blood tests called T3, T4, and T7 to determine thyroid activity in patients. By comparing these blood readings to what is called "normal" ranges, MD's determine whether you are "normal:, "Low", or "High".

One of the reasons why three tests are used is because none of them are very accurate.  I have seen many persons who were told they were in the "normal" range, but when they test themselves with the accurate temperature test below, they were found to be very hypothyroid (low in activity).

Dr. A physician way ahead of his time, Broda Barnes found that body basal temperature was a very good measure of thyroid activity, and particularly upon awakening. Dr Barnes wrote a book about thyroid activity and the various ills and problems from both hyper and hyopo thyroid.

I am indebted to Dr. Roy Kupsinel of Orlando Florida for introducing me to Dr. Barnes book, and other help we was free with.

Testing Thyroid Activity
Shake down a regular mercury type thermometer before bed - be sure it's down below 95 degrees.  Next morning, on awakening, put the thermometer under your arm with the bulb in the armpit with no clothing between it and the armpit.For at least 10 minutes (using snooze alarm if you have it), leave it in place.  Just drowse for that time lying still.

Take the thermometer out after 10 minutes, read the result, and write it down immediately. On waking, most people don't think clearly and might forget the reading).

This test gives you what is called "Early Basal Temperature", and "normal" range is between 97.8 and 98.2.A reading taken by armpit is somewhat lower and somewhat more accurate than that taken by mouth.  If you have a low-grade infection this may read higher than your "normal", therefore if it’s in that range, you should repeat the above procedure every other day for a week or so.Repeat several times during a menstrual period if female.

If higher than the above range, you are probably hyperthyroid, (or you may have an infection somewhere), and if lower, then you are probably hypothyroid.(hyper means high, and hypo means low in doctorese.)

Just some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism can be:  obesity, depression, low energy, fatigue, many infections, chronic headaches, circulatory problems, chronic skin problems, poor memory and/or concentration, eczema, Psoriasis, irregular menstrual periods, neuroticism, irritability, hair loss, and lots more.

A serious problem that many who are hypothyroid suffer from is obesity.If you have a hypothyroid, your metabolism rate is low, and your body is storing energy as fat.  A hyperthyroid person is usually always fairly thin no matter what they eat.(don't you just hate those lucky ones?)!)

To treat hypothyroidism, you can try to find an MD, or a DO, who will write you a prescription for Armour Natural.You may be able to purchse from Canadian drugstores much cheaper than US ones once you get a prescription.

Most MD's prescribed Synthroid, but the "natural" Armour Thyroid has been found to be better lately.  Or, you can go to a good health food store and get a "glandular" that contains thyroid (along with other glandulars usually).For a week, start with two glandulars per day and use the test above to find out your best supplement dose.


Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

Inexpensive Flea & Roach Solution

Some years ago, I hosted a talk show on health on a Palm Beach radio station. Someone called in, and wanted to know what to do about fleas, as she was violently allergic to the various poisons that people put on the back of the neck of their dogs. (A lot of dogs and cats don’t like them either.)

I had found a solution years ago, and I gave it to her. Buy Boric Acid in a large “squeeze bottle”. It’s in a fine powder, and if you point the snout down and squeeze the sides, it comes out in a puff of fine powder.

To start, vacuum the carpets, particularly where your pets may sleep or lie, or the entire carpet in a house where all the floors are carpeted. After a thorough vacuuming, go around squeezing the boric acid in a cloud all over the carpet. Brush any excess white powder into the carpet with a broom or scuffing your feet.

It will take a week or so, but after that, even with outdoor cats and dogs, you will find very few, or no fleas. Boric Acid is virtually harmless, to children, and your pets, but deadly to most insects.

Another thing that I discovered more recently, is a product sold at many health food stores. It’s a product made with mixing common yeast and garlic powder. Mix a half teaspoon or so into their food every day. Surprisingly, my cats love it mixed into canned tuna. I thought the garlic odor would be a problem, but it’s not.

This helps keep fleas at a distance outside. If you “sniff” closely, you might be able to barely smell the garlic on the skin of your pets. It’s also healthy as the yeast has B vitamins, and the garlic is a natural healthy food for man and beast.

Next, let’s look at cockroaches. They’re the “survivors” for millions of years, and will probably survive after all humans have gone the way of the dinosaurs. No housewife likes them, and even most clean houses may have a few in hiding. I live in South Florida – we have cockroaches almost as big as mice that even fly, and lots of the smaller ones as well as many other insects. Except for ants. Boric Acid works very well.

The Boric Acid in the carpets, particularly around the edges and baseboards will keep them mostly out of the house. But, there are a few places where it pays to keep them out as well. Put a small amount of Boric Acid into some beer botttle caps.

Place the caps of Boric Acid into the corners of your cupboards. If you have paper in the bottom of your kitchen drawers (or cabinet shelves), take up the

Paper, and do a small Boric Acid spray, then replace the paper. Spray the Boric Acid under the refrigerator, and the stove, and similar places.

That night, the entire program was taken up with callers, some telling us how well this worked for them, or asking more questions. Several people called the next time the program was on to thank me and some of my listeners for the above advice.

Much later, I learned how to stop ants, including fire ants. Simply empty one or more “blue” packages of NutraSweet (Aspartame) onto the nest. The ant hills are gone by the next day usually. Sprinkle a few grains in the baseboards or any possible entry holes into your home to prevent intrance. Aspartame seems to be a deadly poison to most insects, but particularly to ants.

If it’s that deadly to ants, what might it do to some susceptible humans? Many persons are allergic to it. Most are unaware that this is a problem. It often causes headaches in fact. I never use Nutrisweet!

I hope that the above helps you to better health for you and your pets.

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Natural Asthma Cure - Asthma Homeopathic Treatment

With the numerous and latest natural remedies and alternative medicines for asthma conditions, there is always the so-called natural asthma cure. However, in reality, there is no real cure for asthma conditions. The best cure that is given to the condition can only be referred as the asthma treatment or products.

One natural asthma cure is the natural therapy that aids in managing the asthma condition. A negative response to emotional stress may cause asthma attacks. To relieve stress, some natural relaxation remedies can help such as biofeedback, guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation and deep abdominal breathing.

Other studies show that diet can be a natural remedy for asthma, since it helps alleviates the asthma symptoms. Eating food rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as cod, mackerel, salmon and any other kind of high-fat fish can help decrease inflammation within the body that cause asthma attacks.

Though this fact is still unproven to benefit asthma conditions, high-fat fishes can be rich in other vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system of the body.

While considering which natural asthma treatment to use, it is also necessary to give importance on the possible effects of the cure, whether beneficial or risky. Do not use any type of dietary supplements without the proper consultation from the health professional or asthma specialist.

There might be some diet supplements that could contain products or plants that are allergens to your asthma condition such as pollen. Without the proper consultation, it may result in some serious or life threatening situations.

Even without the natural asthma cure, asthma conditions can still be controlled and treated through several medications. In managing asthma for treatment and control, it should be secured with proper diagnosis on what kind of asthma it is. If possible, work with the doctor on developing an action plan for your asthma condition.

Discover the best chronic asthma naturist treatment at my site. Visit my asthma homeopathy site for more information.

Janet Simpson Cure Your Eczema In 14 days Review

Janet Simpson cure your eczema in 14 days is a breakthrough product addressing the way to treat eczema using natural methods in a fast and effective way. Janet Simpson claims she can cure your eczema in 14 days or less with her proven natural eczema cure.

Let´s review some advantages and disadvantages of this program.


1. Natural Eczema Method

This is something I like about this product; all methods in this guide are purely based on natural approach. Janet Simpson the author of this book describes how much cost she had to pay back then in the old days to attend a single appointment with a eczema specialist, when as a matter of fact you can cure your eczema using the information in her eczema guide at a cheaper price.

2. Money Back Guarantee

Janet offers a 60 day money back guarantee for her eczema guide so there is no risk on your part. If you are not happy with the information provided, you can simply ask for a refund within 60 days.

Let´s take a look at few important things you will learn inside her guide:

You can eliminate eczema effectively without using any medication or any other methods that cost you hundreds of dollars every month. Since Janet uses entirely natural methods and ingredients, there are no side effects at all compared to medication and drugs.

You will learn how to address the root of eczema rather than the symptom. So what you get is permanent result and not just temporary result.

Cure your eczema in 14 days is quite useful and easy to follow. After all you get 8 weeks money back guarantee, so you can always ask for refund at anytime during the 8 weeks in case her product doesn´t work.

The guide is actually quite short and gets to the point without having the reader wade through hundreds of pages before getting to the method she has used effectively.

If you are looking for a natural eczema cure, i highly recommend Janet Simpson Cure Your Eczema guide. Learn how to stop your eczema problems within 14 days.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Anxiety, Rage/Panic Attacks

On a winter morning in 1981, I squeezed some oranges from my yard into a 16 ounce glass and made that my breakfast.  3 hours later, in my office, I suddenly had my first anxiety attack.I thought it might be a heart attack, but no chest pain or arm pain, and I almost passed out.This worried my office manager. Several minutes later it passed.  When I was able to think clearly again, I realized that it was a hypoglycemic "dip" or “episode”.  That fresh orange juice was very sweet.

The medical term for low blood sugar is Hypoglycemia.  The brain requires large amounts of glucose, and when it goes below a certain point, a hypoglycemic episode occurs.  This can become almost any symptom up to and including coma and even death.A hypoglycemic episode only causes drowsiness or sleepiness for most people, but passing out or fainting is also possible.  Also, as a result of a hypoglycemia episode, both adrenalin and testosterone may be released (in men primarily) causing undifferentitated rage in some men/boys.  This may also be part of the current "road rage" problem as well as childhood tantrums. bar fightrs, spouse abuse. etc.

This same hypoglycemia episode may cause panic attacks, and even be the base cause of phobias.  It seems that if the blood sugar goes very low, and the body response is too slow, the person either may pass out or "nearly pass out".  If the person happens to be driving over a bridge, this might cause a driving phobia connected with bridges.  I've seen several such cases.

Glucose is the form of sugar in the blood.  This has been transformed in the digestive process from other sugars and starches into glucose then passed into the bloodstream.

Hypoglycemia is usually caused by too much insulin driving too much glucose into the body cells, which depletes the supply of glucose available to the brain (and other areas).

Since glucose is as necessary to proper brain function as is oxygen, there are many different symptoms possible.  These can range from a simple yawn about a half hour to an hour after eating, to a full-blown anxiety attack, or even a real depression (the term "sugar blues" has a basis in real fact), or even death for diabetics, or almost anything in between.  Sometimes, allergies can cause similar symptoms, or even cause an hypoglycemic episode!

Too much insulin can be the result of a sugar overload, and this may cause hypoglycemia in "normal persons".  To some "sensitive persons", this can be as simple as eating a doughnut or drinking a full glass of orange juice on an empty stomach.  (Happened to me!) The response to low sugar/glucose is individual, and everyone reacts slightly differently.  Also, one person can eat a dozen doughnuts one time with no bad effects, and have a hypoglycemic episode from just one doughnut at another time.

A simple example will help clear up some of the confusion around this subject.  If a normal (whatever that is) person eats an apple, he/she will gain approximately the equivalent of 3 teaspoons of sugar.  It will take about 3 hours to digest the apple in the following way:

1. As sugar is absorbed in the mouth, in the stomach, and the small intestine, the amounts are measured and the brain determines how much insulin to release into the blood.Let's call this process a "sugarstat" for illustration.While we don't fully understand how it works, we do know the effects.

2. From millions of years of evolution, the sugarstat "knows" that with the amount of sugar absorbed over a certain time it needs an equivalent amount of insulin, and releases that amount accordingly.

3. Now, it takes 3-4 hours for all the sugar to be digested from the apple fiber as it passes thru the digestive system.  It's a downward curve, and the insulin released also has a similar downward curve, and it lasts about the same 3 hours in the blood, as it's used.

So, eating an apple has an immediate effect of raising glucose (blood sugar) somewhat, and this "blip" is fast compensated for by insulin release, and from that point the incoming sugar is pretty well balanced by insulin release over the three or so hours of digestion.The sugarstat is working as designed - there is ittle change in blood sugar as nature intended.

If we "pre-digest" the same apple by squeezing it in a cider press, the situation is much different.  In effect, all we have removed is the fiber, and retained all the sugar, vitamins/minerals, etc.One glass of apple juice could contain the juice of 10 or more apples - 30 teaspoons of sugar.  Now, there is much more sugar absorbed very fast, and the sugarstat is "fooled" into releasing many times the amount of insulin actually needed as a result.

(Remember that for millions of years of evolution, we didn't have cider presses, let alone the "designer" apples of today.)

This "overdose" of insulin drives blood sugar into body cells at a furious rate, and even though the blip is now much larger, it quickly lowers it.

Enough insulin has been released for 3 hours of digestion, but the sugar is digested in 15 minutes and into the bloodstream quickly.The result - too much insulin - enough released for 3 hours of this huge intake.  The sugarstat has been "fooled", by not evolving far enough to handle our "modern" food processing.

This excess insulin "drives" all the glucose it can find in the blood into the body cells (its job).The result - a severe shortage of glucose in the brain.

The brain MUST have glucose as well as oxygen for fuel, so several body mechanisms go into action to raise the glucose.  (Few people realize that without BOTH glucose AND oxygen, brain cells start to die in about 5 minutes).

The body defenses against hypoglycemia are many and range from release of stored glucose to release of some fatty acids and hormones that can be conferted to glucose.

It can be seen from the above that hypoglycemia isn't really a "disease", but is quite normal for we humans not designed for our high carb diets. The effects vary from one individual to another.The real culprit here is our modern sugary diet full of processed (pre-digested) food.

These body defenses against low blood sugar also cause some very different symptoms in different individuals.  Usually, this is about 3+ hours after eating a sugary processed meal.

One symptom that is not uncommon in women is an panaic/anxiety attack, or even fainting.Men may experience these symptoms, but less often.

An anxiety attack caused by a hypoglycemia episode while driving might result in a phobia of driving, or if driving in a tunnel, a phobia about that, or if on a bridge, a phobia about that.  In practice, I've seen all three of these phobias generated by hypoglycemic episodes!

Men have another common symptom.A combination of adrenalin and testosterone can trigger "undifferentiated" anger in some men.  He will have a "rational" reason for the anger, but bystanders can't understand how he got so angry for "no real reason".A dramatic change of personality while drinking is a clue this type of man.This type is clearly shown as "pseudoschizophrenic" on the MMPI (Personality Test).

By simply advising the husband to eat a handful of peanuts and raisins every two hours after lunch, I helped to save a marriage.  (He was her boss, and at 3PM, she couldn't do anything right according to him - his lunch included a candy bar and a soda!!)

Anyone who has a sugar handling problem might be well advised to carry a bag of peanuts and raisins around, and make sure that they eat a handfull every two hours or so. (ratio of about 1 raisin to 5 peanuts).Fast glucose is provided by the raisins in a fairly short time, while the peanuts take much longer.  This was what I usually advised hypoglycemic sensitive persons to do, and it works well.  Really sensitive persons should know to eat 6-8 small meals every day.  A meal might be a hard-boiled egg, or half an apple, etc.

On the usual Glucose Tolerance Test (for diabetes or hypoglycemia), the subject is given a measured dose of glucose in a sickenly sweet soda type of drink, and measurements are made before this drink, 1/2 hour after drinking, at one hour, and then every hour until either 5 or 6 hours have passed.

This test is more often done wrong than perhaps any other medical test used.  These are the common mistakes made by medical practicioners and hospitals:

1.  They just give the standard 10 oz bottle to anyone, and it's way too much for a child or a small person.  There is a weight/volume slide rule that should be used, but usually isn't.  At 6' tall and 200 pounds, I should take only 7 ounces!

2.  The measurements are too mechanical.  I (and most other knowledgeable practicioners) believe that the patient should be advised strongly to let the person (usually a nurse) giving the glucose test know if they experience any symptoms at all from yawning to headaches, etc.

3.Around 3-4 hours into a GTT is the most likely time for most people to show hypoglycemia symptoms, even passing out at times.  If no symptoms are noticed, it is a good idea to test at the 3 1/2 hour mark.

4.Don't let the patient leave immediately after concluding the test. Have them eat some fast digesting food. I often used a small glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, in season, and out of season the handful of peanuts and raisins. Many persons have left a clinic/office and passed out on the street, or perhaps had an auto accident.

The above applies primarily to GTT's where diabetes is not a factor.  A fasting glucose test will find diabetes instead, and is much safer.

In Orlando, where I checked on all the hospitals, and several MD's offices, I found none that did all the above correctly, and most made all the above mistakes.  Be advised.

I hope this helps you in your quest for better health.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor of Neuroliminal Training solving
ADD/ADHD/Autism, depression, insomnia, etc

Dirty Tricks by Big Pharma (Drug Mfrs)

A corporation with a heart? Bah humbug!  No large corporation ever gave it’s workers anything they weren’t forced into by competition or unionization. Big corporations fostered that myth.  Let’s look at one completely without a heart - Big Pharma!

Selling their products is much more important to Big Pharma than killing a “few” customers.  How dirty can you get?  It isn’t enough that drug companies use phony or “selective” test reports to get their drugs approved by the FDA.Big Pharma has also managed to get a majority of drug manufacturers employees on the FDA board that approves all new drugs! It's true, the FDA, originally formed to protect us, now only protects Big Pharma from us!)  

Not only the FDA is "controlled" by Big Pharma, but the Center for.  Did you know that the Bush Administration and the CDC as well as the FDA (and Big Pharma) all knew that mercury (in childhood vaccines as a preservative to lengthen shelf life was causing autism in children years before it became known to the public?  That’s how strong Big Pharma is.  They believe that destroying infants and children lives (and bankrupting many parents) rather than immediately recalling products and losing money is a better choice! 

They have been caught using "selected" reports, and even phony reports in order to fool consumer and MD's into believing that vitamin supplements aren't necessary.  If that’s so, why are drug companies all over the world trying to take over this supplement business?  You know that supplements will increase in price if that happens!

Here’s some facts that you probably didn’t know.  Did you know that the fourth leading cause of death in the US is prescription drugs?The American Medical Association Journal quoted that statistic.This numbermay be much higher according to Dr. “Death by Medicine”, a book by Gary Null.  (This article is available by typing “Death by Medicine” into a search engine.)

Did you also know that drug deaths have doubled since the FCC allowed drug TV and radio advertising with the “spins” on side effects minimized cleverly?Would you really buy a product that "might cause death" (which is what they really say, if you really listened to the soothing voice, and were not distracted by the subtle video effects. 

Did you know that third year medical school students get gifts and even money every month?Thousands of dollars every month are spent by Big Pharma on every MD, ranging from "free" samples to actual bribery.  That’s bribery, but it’s spun to look better.A few of the better MD’s are starting to refuse such samples, and some are not even allowing drug salespeople in their office.  All too few.

Did you know that a huge percentage of so-called "new" drugs are actually old drugs that are re-packaged and sold at a higher price?

The ultimate in “spin”, worthy even of Carl Rove. is what I found out recently. Big Pharma's lobby actually commissioned authors to write a novel about terrorists in Canada poisoning drugs that were bought by US citizens.  The book deal fizzled, and the authors reportedly were offered $100,000 to keep the deal quiet.  This was first reported by Lloyd Grove, a columnist for the New York Daily News,

This same lobby had its budget increased by one million bucks just to discourage US citizens from buying Canadian drugs according to reports.

We can all understand why Big Pharma needs to stop drug buying in Canada.  Those drugs are sold there at half or less of the US price.  This loses profit, and it also makes the truth about drug actual costs pretty plain to all.The drug industry is one of the richest in this country, and Big Pharma, their organization, is one of the strongest.

Their claim that these excessive profits are needed for research on new drugs is another "spin", as their advertising cost much more than research.  Just a little independent research on this shows that most drug companies spend more on advertising drugs than they do on research.
That doesn't even include the huge amounts spent in actual bribing MD's.

That book has an interesting sidelight.The bookm was supposedly “dumbed” down because Big Pharma knew that women bought most of the drugs, and they think that women are dumb?Who's the dummy now?

Could Big Pharma really be evil enough and greedy enough to actually hire such a scenario?  If so, how would anybody know whether it was terrorists or just the “normal” drug deaths for a long time?

Take a look at the possible scenario of such a book.  First of all, virtually all the drugs sold from Canada are from US Drug Firms.  They are packaged safely and it would be very difficult to insert poison into them.  One way would be to form a new Canadian firm that sells drugs.  These could now be opened and poisoned, and then sold.  Sooner or later, such deaths would be detected, and the tracing back to the manufacturer, and then to the “new” company.  This company would be shut down, and probably some people would go to jail (I don’t count on that).

So, whose brainchild was this?  I don’t know, but his kind seems to be replicating more and more.Truth is losing out to slogans, and the US is worse off for it. 

Adding to Big Pharma’s accomplishments is their success in not only the FDA, but also with the Center for Disease Control (CDC).  Did you know that the Bush Administration and the CDC as well as the FDA (and Big Pharma) all knew that mercury (in childhood vaccines as a preservative to lengthen shelf life was causing autism in children years before it became known to the public?  That’s how strong Big Pharma is.Big Pharma obviously believes that destroying children lives (and bankrupting many parents) is better than losing money by recalling such drugs! 

Unless we stop these huge corporations that would rather kill people than lose money, we are not safe.  Big money is big power in too many ways, and power corrupts! 

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Necessary Steps in Curing Autism

There are two stages of autism improvement or cure:

1.Finding and solving the "physical" portions of autism is the first stage. 

2.    The second stage consists of behavior training and other education.

This article is devoted to the first stage.There are three distinct and separate therapies involved:

1.    Finding and solving the cause of the “brain damage.

2.    Solving the nutritional puzzle(s).

3.    Solving the allergy problems.

The Brain Damage Problem

There are many causes of brain damage, ranging from mercury and other “heavy metals”) in vaccines and the environment, to a pre-birth accident, or just very poor nutrition for the pregnant mother as the brain develops. Drug addict mothers are also sometimes responsible.  

For the accidental types of actual physical damage, there is little that can help other than increasing oxygen to the brain.  Neuroliminal Training does this by increasing brain blood flow by subliminal messaging during sleep..

For the majority of cases over the past 10 years or so, the cause is mercury poisoning derived from too many vaccines combined with our worsening environment. 

Big Pharma, the FDA, and the Bush government knew a long time ago that the mercury (used as a preservative to lengthen shelf life) was causing brain damage in infants.Is it a coincidence that the huge increase of cases from 1 in 10,000 to the present 1 in 150 or so corresponds to the use of mercury and the increase of “required” infant vaccines, that loads so much mercury in this mix that the liver simply cannot take it all out of the bloodstream, and the brain blood barrier cannot stop it from the brain circulation, and it does this physical.

(Adding insult to injury, the FDA (controlled entirely by Big Pharma) spent a lot of money trying to make any drugs approved by the FDA, not subject to lawsuits.  How’s that for a “double play”?)

Here’s another little known fact about mercury poisoning.  What is stored in the liver cannot be gotten out of the liver unless there is some chelating chemical in the bloodstream available to “neutralize it, and then excreting the combination out of the body.

Blood testing has been used by Big Pharma to “prove” that mercury “wasn’t” the source.  They are well aware that if no chelating material is in the blood, there will be little or no mercury present either.  A false proof indeed!)

This brings us to the first step in finding out how much mercury or other mineral toxins are stored.  Start at least a week prior to any blood or urine tests, and two months prior to any hair analysis.  Load the person with about 1000 mg (1 gram) of plain old vitamin C for every 10 pounds of person to be tested.The good thing about vitamin C is that the only effect of overdosing is diarrea.  Split doses in two or three or more doses per day.

The blood or urine sample should be taken about 2-4 hours after a dose for most accuracy. 

The next step is chelating (means grab onto) the mercury (and all other minerals), render it non-toxic in combination, and water soluble so that it is filtered by the kidneys and taken out of the body.  

There are many other chelators, some very expensive, and somewhat faster than Vitamin C , but I prefer it because it also confers protection against viruses and bacteria in these large doses, and it’s cheap. 

FYI, the cheapest Ascorbic Acid works just as well as the most expensive form, however, if the person is allergic to corn, then you may want to use Calcium Ascorbate, which is unlikely to cause allergic symptoms.   (Most of the people who think they are allergic to vitamins are only corn sensitivity -switch to CA!)

Autistic infants are virtually always low in another “natural” chelator called Glutathione.  This is part of the autism picture.However, research shows that is difficult and expensive to get it and keep it in the bloodstream.Vitamin C is easier.

Unless the mercury stored in the liver and other locations is taken down to very safe low level,  the brain damage may continue.  Thus the above is a critical first step in solving the autism puzzle.  Without solving it, the rest of the puzzle is much more difficult. 

The Nutritional Problems

These toxic minerals have a huge amount of stress to the body.This additional stress (you guessed it) requires even more nutrition.  The “normal” digestive tract contains bacteria that may be deadly if it gets into the bloodstream.The design of the digestive system is designed so that shouldn't ever happen.  It breaks down food into basic molecules, sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids in particular. 

Protein is a mix of different amino acids – the building blocks of all animals as well as bacteria and viruses.  The system breaks these down to only a very few amino acids in what is called a peptide string.  This makes sure than any bacteria or virus or yeast cannot get into the bloodstream as they are all much larger than the “usual” peptides coming thru in a “normal” system.

With this stress, the brain realizes that it MUST get more nutrition, so it opts for increasing the input all from the gut.  This means that larger and larger peptide strings are able to pass into the bloodstream.  We now have what's called a "Leaky Gut Syndrome".

Some of these larger peptide strings might resemble a virus or bacteria, and the brain puts up a “danger signal”.  This becomes a food allergy (or technically food sensitivity).  (The “usual” first foods for infants are milk and bread products, thus the casein free, gluten free diets often improve some autistic symptoms.)

The Leaky Gut Syndrome causes another very important problem.  It often allows the natural bacteria colonies that help digestion to become overrun with yeast.  The overuse of antibacterial drugs contributes as most are made from fungus/yeast.  The “healthy gut” has a balance of bacteria and yeast. 

So, we now have a vicious downward spiral.  This is a common story with autistic children. 

The first step is obviously to start getting enough nutrition so that the Leaky Gut Syndrome is no longer needed.  This means starting a vitamin mineral program and cutting out high carb sugary foods, replacing those with good home cooked meals, high in protein, and fiber along with those vitamins and minerals.

It’s hard to get away from “junk foods”, but it’s necessary if you want to really help an autistic child.Better health for the whole family is a good result.  You know what to eat – good meat, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Clearing up the food allergies

As mentioned earlier, mineral toxicity causes huge stress on the brain and body.These LeakyGut formed allergens are added to whatever "born in" allergies are present making a large amount of stress that requires even more nutrition to just handle.  Anything that lessens this stress is valuable indeed..

Most of these so-called “brain allergies” are unsuspected by the person with them.   Unlike the environmental allergies, causing visible symptoms such as hay fever, hives, etc, these only affect the brain, and most mental problems are due to these and the resulting stress.  I may surprise you to find that any allergy can be responsible for anything from insomnia to schizophrenia and bipolar depression.  For a lot more information .

There are several ways to solve allergy problems, ranging from the very expensive Neurofeedback clinics, the slightly less expensive allergy clinics, all the way to many “alternate” therapies, including Neuroliminal Training (NT), one of the most effective, yet affordable therapies available.NT is done at home, it's very simple to use, relatively inexpensive, and consists of “sleep therapy using a special CD that actually does the same thing as the expensive NFB clinics – name raise one special brain wave that seemingly changes the affect on the brain by allergens. 

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

Acid Reflux Natural Remedy – Foods To Prevent Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is something annoying and can disrupt you from your day to day activities, and even worse over the long run, it can lead to chronic condition, cancer of the esophagus etc. Before it is too late, cure your acid reflux as soon as possible. We will discuss several acid reflux natural remedy that you can use to handle acid reflux.

1. Which One Is Better

To cure your acid reflux, you can take either medical approach or natural approach. I would suggest taking natural approach, even though it is tempting to take medical approach due to the instant result that medical approach often brings. However, acid reflux drugs provide only temporary relief and over the long run can have undesired side effects.

2. Garlic

Garlic can help to relieve acid reflux naturally, as garlic contains allicin as an active ingredient. Allicin helps in promoting proliferation that can help wipe out unwanted bacteria in your stomach. H.Pylori is an unwanted bacteria that causing gastritis.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been known as one of the most effective natural treatment to cure various health problems. Aloe Vera is most often used in the treatment of wounds or skin care related issues. Aloe Vera helps a lot in protecting your esophagus from excessive leak of acid that causing acid reflux.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is also another natural herb that can help in preventing excessive leak of acid to esophagus and aid in the digestion process. You can use turmeric when you are cooking or take 1 gram capsules before meals.

5. Banana

Banana is also another herbal acid reflux ingredient that is very useful in relieving acid reflux as it contains natural anti acids substance, you can eat it fresh or combine it with juice or blend it.

If you want to combine it, you may want to include fennel and gingerroot for maximum result.

If you are looking for the best natural acid reflux cure, i highly recommend Jeff Martin Heartburn no more. Click here to check out my Heartburn no more review.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hemorrhoids Alternative Treatment – Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

There are various over the counter hemorrhoids treatment being sold on the market nowadays, promising you with instant permanent result. The problem is many of over the counter products only give you temporary result, just like my experience. Hemorrhoids medicine does not address the cause of the hemorrhoids directly but merely reduces the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

For that reason, many people today choose to use hemorrhoids natural treatment rather than over the counter treatment and surgery. Unless, your hemorrhoids has been gone to extreme cases where it is completely unbearable, you should avoid surgery at all cost.

1. Zenmed Ziro

Zenmed ziro is natural hemorrhoids treatment that can help relieve the pain caused by external hemorrhoids. The combination of Zenmed with another herbal remedy can be very effective in dealing with your hemorrhoids.

2. Venapro

Venapro is another popular herbal hemorrhoids remedy that can heal hemorrhoids naturally. You can find the readymade product online. To use this supplement, you simply put Venapro under your tongue. Compared with another remedies, your body can absorb venapro quickly and therefore give faster result.

3. Eat Daily Fiber

Since the cause of hemorrhoids often is constipation, therefore you should make it a habit to eat a lot of food rich in fiber daily such as vegetables or fruits. Besides fiber, you should also consume vitamin E during your healing process, since vitamin E can help to quell inflammation internally.

Your daily habit can be the cause of continuous hemorrhoids, let´s talk about several things you should avoid in your daily habit:

4. Avoid Alcohol

Scientific research has been shown that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to constipation or worsen current constipation. Because the root cause of hemorrhoids is often due to constipation, therefore you should avoid or reduce the consumption of alcohol.

5. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine also can worsen your hemorrhoids since caffeine dehydrate fluids in your body. Some foods that contain excessive caffeine are coffee and energetic drink.

Natural hemorrhoids treatment is fast gaining popularity because they have less side effects since they use mainly natural ingredients. Your daily habit might be the underlying cause of your hemorrhoids, prevent and cure your hemorrhoids with avoiding alcohol and caffeine.

If you want to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally, i highly recommend you check out Holly Hayden Hemorrhoid Miracle. She will show you how to remove hemorrhoids permanently and naturally within 48 hours. To learn more, check out my hemorrhoid miracle review.

Natural Cold Sore Relief – 3 Simple Steps To Cure Cold Sores Naturally

Cold sore is caused by a virus, and generally speaking this virus will remain in your body possibly for a life time, however there are cases where the virus completely disappear using a combination of natural cold sore relief and food supplements that increase your immune system. Curing cold sores can be done in 3 steps.

Step 1 – Watch The Outbreak

These cold sore blisters can break out virtually anytime. You should watch over it carefully, you don´t want the blister to break out since it can be painful and may leave a scar.

You want to avoid direct contact with outside air as it can trigger a break out at the wrong moment, making the cold sore spreads out even faster over all of your mouth. Using ice cube and apply it on the affected area every 15 minutes every hour can help ease the pain.

Step 2 – Prevent From Spreading Out

Because the cause of cold sore is a virus, once it breaks out it can spread very easily and can be extremely contagious. Wash the cold sore with alcohol and keep it dry, you don´t want to infect your child or friend right? Applying a tea bag to the infected area for 15 minutes also can help control the spread of the cold sore.

Step 3 – Use Natural Cold Sores Treatment

You can also apply natural cold sore relief to cure your sore completely, even though the virus will remain in your body after the medication, there are many cases where the virus is completely gone after the medication. Some of the best natural treatments are lemon balm, tea tree oil or a combination of tea tree oil, herbal sage, and violet.

Curing cold sore can be easily done in 3 steps. Step 1 is to watch the outbreak, step 2 is to prevent the cold sores from spreading out, and the last is to use natural treatment to cure the cold sores.

If you want to know how to cure cold sores naturally and effectively using natural remedies, i recommend Grace Melgarejo Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days. Learn more by checking out my Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days review.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Best Colon Cleanser – How Does Colon Cleansing Work?

Are you looking for the best colon cleanser? Then don't fret because you are not the only individual who is engaged in this search. As the threat of cancer amplifies, more and more individuals start to seriously consider cleaning their colons. Moreover, the medical society is similarly in the same quest of unraveling the solid steps on how to clean the colon to ensure a perfect health.

Understanding How Colon Cleansing Works

Throughout our lifetime, you eat a variety of foods regardless of their nutrient contents. The digestive system itself contains at least two gallons of body fluids, liquids, and food. Since these substances may be too much for the colon to handle, some of which line up the colon and fail to be released.

As a result, you suffer from constipation, colon blockage, and then health degradation. Thus, the best mandatory option that you must stick with is to flush out all of these substances. There are times when your body system doesn't react to the natural method of flushing out your feces so it's time that you seek the best colon cleanser.

How to Pick Out the Best Colon Cleanser

There is basically a spectrum of colon cleansers out in the market and you'll just end up confused if you don't start on the right track. Here are a few insights that would help you pick out the best colon cleanser amidst the multitude of products.

Go all-natural. Be sure that the colon cleanser product is made up of genuinely organic components.

Look into its fiber content. The regulation of your bowel movement would be more enhanced by fiber. Generally, you'll need lots of it!

Assess its benefits. Among the benefits which you should look into include the following, relief from constipation and bloating, supports the elimination of organisms, aids in the cleansing of the intestinal tract, and promotes the general health of the internal organs.

If you are looking for the best natural colon cleansing product, i highly recommend Bowtrol Colon Cleanse. Click here to read my bowtrol review.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Definition of Hypnotherapy.

Despite a much wider acceptance these days, hypnotherapy still fights with misconceptions and misunderstandings. Let's take a look at what hypnotherapy in Plymouth consists of and how it works.

Real or not is only a concept that your mind creates based of the intensity of the emotions that you experience at that time As you get fully engrossed in the story, your worries fade away until all you are thinking about is the story – you become highly suggestible to the positive messages the therapist is giving you.

Clients may have very different experiences even in their first therapy sessions, some will experience deep trances while other will only develop light trances. However for hypnosis to be effective it doesn’t matter if you go into a light trance or a deeper one. It's a pleasing time.

For hypnosis to be effective, it is very important you trust the therapist you are working with, and to feel comfortable with them, you are always in charge at all times during hypnosis. If you don’t feel comfortable with your hypnotherapist in Plymouth you might create resistance to your own success. This is why it is important to find someone you trust.

Losing control is a common concern with hypnosis. This is not true; they remain in complete control throughout. They cannot be forced to do anything they don't want to.  (this is likely due to the misconception of stage hypnosis). No one can get stuck in hypnosis, and no one can be made to say or do anything they do not want to do.

Hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses hypnosis to help cure a wide variety of negative behaviors including stress, anxiety, phobias, panic, over-eating, binge drinking, lack of confidence, sports performance, irritable bowel syndrome, fear of examinations, and smoking.  It can aid you with things such as problems with your relationships, natural birthing, and a lot more.

Hypnotherapy in Plymouth is a pleasant, relaxing, and enjoyable experience. You may not like forward a visit to the dentist, but a hypnotherapy session can be something you may look forward to!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Panic Disorder Symptoms – Controlling Panic Attacks Naturally

Relief and help on avoiding panic attacks are often researched by those that suffer from them. And they will find a lot of cures, but knowing which one to pick isn´t that easy.
Ever since Louis Pasteur there has been a lot of talks about medications that treat panic attacks and natural cures that do the same. Some people combine the two and others use medication only or natural cures for panic attacks only.

To make you understand my point, you should know that a lot of people that suffer from this condition either use one method of treatment or another. My opinion is that natural cures work better for panic attacks. Medication usually only prevents some symptoms, it doesn´t cure it, and here is where natural panic attack cures come in.

Here are the best 3 suggestions that I have for you to deal with anxiety naturally.
1. Medications don't quite do it.

When the symptoms appear at a less frequent pace, most people are in heaven. And who wouldn´t want to suffer less from dizziness, palpitations, trembling, shortness of breath, detachment fro reality, fear of going crazy or of dying. Using medication will relax the patient a little.

This is why medication can make people get a false sense of being cured, only because they have less panic attacks. They think they are cured, but the attacks just happen less often. If you use good medication you will feel better and you will see the attacks happen less often, but they treat the symptoms and they don´t cure.

2. You have the power within you.

Medication can make you think you´re close to being saved, when you´re not. By having less panic attacks, those that suffer from it are surprised when they show up again. When you take medication and the attack comes anyway, the one that suffers from it remains only with prayer to deal with it.

But, if you use natural techniques, you can ease the panic attacks with them. Yes, the panic and anxiety medication will make the attacks happen less, but you don´t have something to fight them when they happen. You can do that with natural cures though.

3. Longer lasting treatment.

The problem is that medication works only if you continue to take it, so there is no end in sight to get rid of it. You should eliminate it with natural cures instead and stop taking panic attack medication that comes with side effects.

Instant relief can be good sometimes, but it´s not the answer. Instead, you should hope for a good future and treat it as soon as possible.

Discover how I managed to cure my panic attack problems with Joe Barry Panic Away. Click here to read my Panic away review. Learn whether does panic away work?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Acid Reflux Natural Cure – Foods That Aid Natural Acid Reflux Cure

Acid reflux is a common disease today, it is estimated that 40% of the American population suffering from some forms of acid reflux. Acid reflux can be described as a condition when there is an excessive leak of acid into the esophagus.

1. A Serious Problem

Acid reflux should be taken seriously as it can lead to more serious problem such as cancer. The first thing you may want to do is consult with a doctor to identify how bad your acid reflux has become, this can help you make a conclusion in choosing which route of medication you want to take.

2. Short Term Relief

If the condition is too unbearable, you should start medical treatment as temporary relief, but not as a long term solution. Medical treatment is effective in providing a fast short term temporary relief but if you use it for a long time, it can start taking a toll upon your body giving unwanted bad side effects. Therefore, over the long run, I would recommend you take a natural approach to acid reflux.

3. Bananas

Eating banana actually can help cure your acid reflux since banana is known as an acid reflux natural cure for a long time, also banana contains natural anti acids. You can blend it, eat it with ice cream or blend it with another fruits, it will work.

4. Almonds

Almonds has been known as a natural acid reflux relief, if you don´t want to take the medical approach and your acid reflux is still bearable you may want to take almonds to ease your pain. Also you can combine almonds with fennel or gingerroot or both for maximum result.

5. Change In Lifestyle

Your lifestyle has a direct relationship with the severity of your acid reflux condition. Avoiding alcohol and caffeine will benefit you a lot, not just preventing acid reflux but also other several health problems.

If you are looking for the best natural acid reflux cure, i highly recommend Jeff Martin Heartburn no more. Click here to check out my Heartburn no more review.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Alone With A Heart Attack

You suddenly feel a severe pain in your chest, and you are alone.The pain is going outwards to your left arm, and it's radiating up all the way to your jaw area.  Almost certainly you’re having a serious heart attack.

Your decision has to be made in about 10 seconds.  Your heart is stopping, and you’ll be losing consciousness unless you do something right now!  

Start coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. Take as deep a breath as you can before each cough. Make the coughs deep and prolonged like when you are trying to get up sputum from deep down. Until competent help arrives, or you can tell that the heart is again beating normally, keep repeating the deep cough every 40-60 times per minute.Cough even if it's painful!

Decision time is RIGHT NOW!The question you need to ask yourself is "How can I get the fastest CPR or help?

1.While coughing call 911.
2.If anyone is near, scream for help (hoping that they know CPR, or that they can get someone who does quickly.

You MUST get CPR immediately or you may die, or even worse, damage the brain enough to live like a vegetable.  

The coughing muscular movements squeeze the heart, keeping the blood circulating to the brain. The deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs,.

This deep brath and coughing routine has another important benefit.  The squeezing pressure on the heart may even help it regain normal rhythm.  In this way, heart attack victims can often get to a hospital and live a lot longer.

One case was reported where the victim was driving about 5 minutes from a hospital, and managed to stay alive while driving this distance by simply using this deep breath/cough routine.  

Five minutes or even longer is a huge improvement on 10-30 seconds of heart stoppage.Try to save your own life.

Consider taking a simple CPR course. You could me the one saving another life.  Saving another persons life!We all need ego satisfaction, and that's a great way to get it.     

CPR is pretty simple to learn, and almost everyone can learn how to do it effectively and safely.  

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. –

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bronchial Asthma Treatment – Bronchial Asthma Attack Remedies

Bronchial asthma is a kind of asthma condition where the lungs are having disturbances or obstructions in the ventilation of the air passages in the respiratory system. Once these disturbances and obstructions occur, the lungs will evoke a feeling of shortness of breath.

This occurrence may even lead to paroxysms that tighten the air passages of the bronchial system. When these happen, serious bronchial asthma treatment is recommended.

Bronchial asthma may have several causes. One of the main causes of it is the raising of resistance level to the air flow of the bronchial passages. As it happens, the muscles of the passages won´t be able to support the activities of gas exchanging and breathing in the respiratory system though the muscles are working harder.

When a bronchial asthma attack occurs, spasms of the bronchial muscles usually happen. As it happens, there would be an increase in the secretion of mucus and swelling of the bronchial walls. These occurrences should be given with the proper bronchial asthma treatment.

Bronchial asthma treatment now has new treatment protocols that recommend the prevention of asthma medications, such as inhaling corticosteroids or nebulizers. This medication usually helps an asthmatic person to suppress the inflammation of the lungs as well as reduce the swelling of the linings in the airway passages.

Another recommended bronchial asthma treatment is alternative therapies. A recent study shows that almost half of the population of asthmatic persons now uses the form of unconventional therapy for their bronchial asthma treatment.

Apparently, there are specific bronchial asthma treatments that may always depend on the severity of the asthma condition present on the person. The frequency of the asthma signs and symptoms are always considered.

Generally, the bronchial asthma treatments are classified as preventers, relievers, and emergency treatment. With these, bronchial asthma treatment can have different forms that can be recommended to patients considering how often the attacks occur.

Visit my asthma homeopathy site to learn more about bronchial asthma symptoms. Discover the best bronchial asthma treatment at my site.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Homeopathy as One of Great Reliable Remedies

The faith that someone can treat himself from his mind power is called homeopathy. Homeopathy is an solution of remedy that sometimes works to treat several health condition. It generallly works because of belief that can recover ourselves with fluids that can influence the condition which we desire to be cure from. The emasculation is to be shaken to eradicate any negative results that may come with the fluid.

Some homeopathic techniques have many ingredients. Therefore, the total result tends to be a mix of sugar, water, and alcohol along with several other ingredients.

Many people actually follow this form of choice way in spite of lots of criticisms. In both Europe and the United States of America, homeopathy is very wellknown.It is believed that there are about 15% of people who apply this in both countries.In fact, researchers and other extensive studies have yielded that there is actually no harm that comes from homeopathy. This may be because of the dilutions that are done to the numerous herbs used for the ways.

Important Things to Consider

Homeopathic medication depends on the results of the consultation of the patient with the experts in homeopathy. Both the physical and mental conditions of the patient must be explored and considered to be able to accomplish a decisive form of treatment.

Despite the many studies that have been focused on homeopathy, researchers and scientists have found no definitive results that support the efficiency of homeopathy. Nonetheless, it means that homeopathy is not a fake, because lots of people also swear by it and how it has cured and treated them. 

Brief Background

Homeopathy was originally conceptualized by Samuel Hahnemann throughout the 1800's. Hahnemann was inspired by the law of similars when he consumed herbal medicine in order to heal malaria and instead found that he suffered from symptoms of malaria. This began his painstaking labors in homeopathy by testing the various solution herbal medicines for many different diseases and ailments.

The concept of dissolving the herbs and other forms of choice medicines was to reduce the effects that can be compared to inoculation where the weakened type of the disease or sickness is injected into an individual to promote resistance.

Homeopathy may be applied as a form of optional curativemethod by lots of people. Some of them believed its power to cure some illnesses. For around decades, there may be some truth which can prove it.

Still curious about homeopathy? Want to find reference about homeopathy? So, let’s check this valuable reference of homeopathy.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Solving Herpes Problems

Herpes is a viral disease that "hides" mostly in fatty tissue that surrounds nerve cells and pathways.  There are three classified types of common human herpes, although the first two below are the same virus found in different places.

Herpes Simplex 1:  This is the most common, and it usually occurs on or around the lips, (commonly known as cold sores)  but it can occur anywhere on the body.  It is often transmitted to other persons via kissing.   

Herpes Simplex 2: This has become known as "genital herpes", as it is usually transmitted by gentital contact. It is actually the same disease as Herpes 1 above..

Herpes Zoster:  Also known as "Shingles", this can be the most painful of all.  It is considered to be a "left-over" or mutated form of chicken pox that lies dormant (or can) for many years and suddenly appears.  It affects many older persons.

All of these forms are generated to a large extent by stress as a major factor.There are several other factors involved however.  It's important to understand these to help prevent outbreaks.

Herpes viruses require a certain imbalance of two amino acids to reproduce.  These are Argenine and Lysine.  If, and when, the Argenine level gets high, and the Lysine level gets low, conditions are favorable and Herpes comes out to play (reproduce).

The usual first notice is an itch that rapidly becomes as small reddened areas with very small pimples.  Don't kiss anyone or have sex without a condom (depending on the area of the Herpes outbreak) during this time. Herpes is spread by simple contact, and is very infectious.

There is no cure for herpoid viruses to date.  Herpes is estimated to affect 80 million people in America, and about 20% of the US population has genital Herpes.

We can't cure Herpes, but we can have some measure of control of infectious outbreaks.  If we keep the level of Lysine high, the conditions for reproduction are limited.High Lysine levels also help keep the heart healthy - another benefit.  It should be noted that this is not always that simple.  Our diet is important.  Sugar, chocolate, and nuts are high in Argenine, and many athletes use Argenine as strength building.Herpes shows up when there are a lot of sweets and nuts, typically Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and has been called the "holiday disease.

I've had genital Herpes for 60 years, and have never infected another person to my knowledge.Years ago, I learned what is written here, and was careful not to infect others.

In later years, I've found that I require more Lysine than I did 40 years ago, when I discovered the Lysine/Argenine balance.I still very occasionally get an outbreak, even though I take 1000 mg of Lysine a day. (I drink "dark" chocolate instead of coffee most days.)

Dealing with an outbreak
In spite of "best intentions", we humans fail.  We overeat those foods that are high in Argenine, and we have stress almost constantly, so we will get outbreaks.Several different remedies are available, some OTC (over the counter), and some prescription.

First take care of the affected skin area.The area should be kept clean and dry during episodes. From the time of first notice of symptoms (typically tingling, itching, burning) avoid any contact with area until all sores are completely healed and scabs are gone.  Until that time, you and your "discards" are highly infectious.  The scabs and any other residue that is on your clothes is dangerous, and it's possible to re-infect yourself and others.

Next, treat the outbreak carefully.  Valtrex and similar ointments do help to dry up the infection quickly, but I found a simpler and much cheaper way years ago. Simply wet a corner of an ordinary bar of soap and rub it thoroughly over the infected area, coating it.  I then scratch the area, and break the small pimples while doing this.  This kills the virus and disinfects the area.

Wash hands thoroughly, and let the soapy area dry, or put a large bandaid over it before putting closthes on.  Tiny scabs are formed immediately, and within a few days, the tiny scabs are gone and the skin is "normal".

There are some that will disagree with this, but it's been very effective for me, and many others I've advised.A no-brainer - soap is cheap and available, and you avoid doctors and drugs.

If you understand and follow these simple instructions, then Herpes Simplex isn't that much of a problem.

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist
who invented Neuroliminal Training, a simpler and
affordable way to change brain wave amplitudes solving
ADD-Autism, depression, insomnia, and more. – http://ADHD-Autism

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Solving ADD/ADHD Without Drugs Or A Lot Of Money

There's a new therapy that is drugless, AND affordable called Neuroliminal Training (NT).  It works in the same way as the very expensive Neurofeedback (aka EEG biofeedback).  Several volunteer tests over the past 4 years has shown that at least 85-90% of all ADD/ADHD cases can be "solved" using it for 8 weeks, or less. Successful solution is established in the EEG community as "sitting still in class, concentrating and learning, increasing grade averages, and/or increasing on IQ tests about 15 points.

NFB, or EEG BF has proven for about 40 years to be the most effective solution for all "attention" problems. However, the mid or low income family simply can’t afford this proven therapy at an average cost of $4000+ per ADHD child.

Ritalin and the rest of the ADHD drugs (Strattera, Concerta, and Adderall) have been promoted by Big Pharma so well that few people even know about Neurofeedback.  None of these drugs ever solved the basic problem, but they allow the teachers to control the classroom, and sedate the ADD/ADHD kids.  Unknowing schools "push" such drugs as it makes these kids easier to control classrooms.  All these drugs have serious side effects. 

(NT) has also proved by extensive volunteer testing (seven tests since 2004) that it does exactly the same thing as EEG BF - it changes certain brain waves. 

Instead of going to a clinic costing from $75-$250 per half hour, sitting in front of a computer screen with electrodes attached to the head about 50-60 times,

In a test in 2006, 23 volunteers conducted an 8 week test, and all 23 improved just as would be expected using EEG BF  In earlier tests in 2004 and 2005, similar results were seen.  The similarities between the expensive EEG BF Training and the inexpensive Neuroliminal Training, especially in success rates was remarkable.

Volunteer tests of eight week usage of NT concluded in 2007 included 13 autistic children ranging in age from 3 to 16
All improved, some dramatically, and some slowly.  Of course, autism takes a lot more time.

Dr Bate is a retired orthomolecular psychologist who invented Neuroliminal Training (NT) - a better way to change brain wave amplitudes. -

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aloe Vera Plant

Medicinal Aloe Vera plants can be found in households all over the world, because they are known to be a medicinal herb. They differ from other plant, in that they do not have any naturally occurring populations, although closely related Aloes do occur in northern Africa. Presently the aloe vera plant is cultivated and manufactured for commercial use and profit. That is what makes it rather unique in relation to the majority of other household plants that still grow naturally outdoors.

The Aloe vera plant is believed to have many properties, ranging from the soothing of burns, the promotion of faster healing to the treatment of diabetes. As the stalks include several medical compounds, including acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones and anthraquinones and lectins; aloe tends to be added to a wide range of natural Aloe Vera products to entice users to purchase them.

The best gardening temperature conditions for aloe vera to grow are zone 8 through zone 10. It does not require much water and can be grown both indoor or outdoors. Aloe does not tolerate snow or frost and will die under such conditions. If you want to keep aloe in colder climates, it must be kept indoors or in a greenhouse to prevent frost from killing it. The aloe vera plant visibly resembles the cacti family and has a very tender stalk that is moist on the inside. Since it is most acclimated to dryer climates, over watering is the most common mistake that people make in caring for them. The aloe plant should not be watered until its soil has gone dry, making it one of the easiest plants to take care of, so it is important to pay attention to the moister level in the soil. The soil used for potted aloe vera should be compatible with good drainage, as too much sitting water will cause root rot.

Many people grow these plants at home and use them as a quick treatment for small cuts or burns. The healing rate process has not been calculated or agreed upon however, it is still something this marvelous plant does provide. Studies have been conducted to observe the healing rate with various factors, such as the type of wound inflicted, it’s severity and how it was bandage after applying aloe vera to it. In some studies, healing rate is increase from aloe vera. In certain forms, the aloe vera is safe to ingest too.

Even though there is no scientific evidence that is agreed on by all, of the healing elements found in the aloe vera plant, it is a very popular and sought after additive in a variety of cosmetics, shampoos, lotions and certain soap manufactured products. However, the gains garnered from the presence of aloe in these products is based on belief, not on scientific proof.

The aloe vera gel found in the plant, is believed to have originated in Africa, with cousins of the aloe vera plant still surviving to date. There are references to aloe in the bible, which makes it one of the oldest documented species of plants known.

Eczema Natural Cure – How To Cure Eczema Naturally

Eczema can be described as an allergic reaction on the skin, and as with other skin problems it is recommended to use eczema natural cure to treat it. There have been a lot of people reported that they get several bad side effects after taking medical approach to cure their eczema. Several of the notable side effects are asthma and arthritis just to name a few.

1. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

There is an old adage prevention is better than cure, heredity plays an important role as the cause of eczema, however you can minimize the risk with several prevention steps. One of those prevention steps is moisturizing your skin. Apply moisturizer to your skin twice a day, once in the morning, and latter at night can help prevent the occurrence of eczema considerably.

2. Watch What You Are Eating

Some foods can trigger allergic reaction for some people. Everyone will have different allergic reaction to particular foods than others. However, generally speaking, these are the foods that usually trigger allergic reaction: cow´s milk, wheat and corn.

3. Beware With Your Stress Level

Many people have reported to have their eczema occur whenever they have a high stress level. So you might want to manage your stress levels a bit. Taking medication class, yoga, or workout at your gym can help relieve stress.

4. Emollient

Emollient has been chanted by a lot of herbalists as the best natural treatment for eczema. You can get emollient in your local health stores, comes with various readymade packages in the form of cream, lotion and oil.

Prevention is better than cure, applying moisturizer often can help to prevent eczema. One of the best eczema natural cures is emollient; you can get it at your local health stores at a measly price.

If you are looking for a natural eczema cure, i highly recommend Janet Simpson Cure Your Eczema guide. Learn how to stop your eczema problems within 14 days.

How To Cure Cold Sore – Natural Remedies For Cold Sores

Cold sore is an annoying and painful blister that appears out of your mouth, commonly known as fever blisters. Since the cause of cold sore is herpes virus, they might be passed to you from a direct contact with someone else; they may be passed on by kissing, sharing eating utensils, or drinking after another person.

1. Your Immune System

Because the cause of cold sore is virus, it is a good idea to increase your immune system. Make a habit of consuming vitamin C every day, and always eat healthy food. Stress also can have a detrimental effect to your immune system.

2. Ease The Symptom Of Cold Sores

Before know how to cure cold sore, first thing you want to do is finding out how to ease the symptom. Applying ice and tea bag can help easing the symptom. Apply it on the affected area for 15 minutes a day.

A tea bag also can literally cure your cold sure since it contains tannin acid that can be useful as antiviral.

3. Boost The Healing

You can do several things to help boosting the healing of your cold sore. One way is to keep your cold sore dry, also avoid direct contact with outside air whenever you go out, since it can trigger breakouts of the blisters, you can prevent contact by covering your cold sore with petroleum jelly using cotton swab whenever you are outside.

The most important thing to do is to have enough rest and reduce your stress level. Once your immune system is strengthen, your cold sore will disappear on itself. Applying lemon balm also can speed up the healing process.

There are several other cold sores remedies, but the most important thing you want to do is to boost your immune system since the cause of cold sore is a virus.

If you want to know how to cure cold sores naturally and effectively using natural remedies, i recommend Grace Melgarejo Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days. Learn more by checking out my Cold Sore Freedom In 3 Days review.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Socialized Medicine - Good or Bad

How did we ever get the general idea that Socialized Medicine is a bad thing?  How did the AMA, Big Pharma, and now Big Insurance get such a stranglehold on the health of this country? 

Let’s look at some facts:

1.  Some form of Socialized Medicine is the health every industrialized country.    

2.  We pay over twice as much as any of those countries per person for our healh system. We should have better health statistic, but we rank way below all those countries, even some third world countries.  

3.  We are less competitive for large corporations, so they ship manufacturing (and jobs) overseas.Yes, wages may be lower as well, but a lower cost of health care increases their profit. 

4.  Small business is often crippled by having to provide health insurance for their workers.Small business is at the heart of US prosperity, according to the Republicans, so why are they fighting so hare against Socialized Medicine which would greatly benefit is.

5.  The VA system is a form of sociaized medicine, and the cost per person is much lower than the "insurance based" system, and the better care patients get is also a fact.  (I know as I am a veteran getting that care.)

One of the arguments used is "Just ask a Canadian, they all hate their system".  I've asked well over 100 Canadians, and dozens of other people in other countries with Socialized Medicine.Ask a GI about the military food, and they'll gripe, just like Canadians and others gripe about their health system.  However, ask the RIGHT question as I have, "Would you trade your system for the one in the US?"  Almost 100% of the time the answer is a resounding "NO way!"

The advantages are obvious - lower cost and better overall health.How about those 42 million persons who cannot afford health insurance, and who drag our statistics down and cost us more in the long run.

Monday, November 10, 2008

PMS Solved Without Drugs

PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) is NOT a real disease, although many women would disagree with me. It's actually a product of our modern diet, combined with our daily stress, etc.

There are several chemical changes in the blood of a woman that occur a few days prior to the actual menstrual period, or bleeding cycle.  One of these changes has the zinc level going low, while the copper level goes high. Very high copper/zinc ratios can (and do) actually cause schizophrenia and/or depression, it could be said that women slide at least a little towards "crazy" every month.

In some women, these imbalances can be very serious.  Of course, all these changes are individual, depending on the current ratios of copper and zinc, genetic factors, etc.  There are several other changes as the female body gets ready for another cycle of fertility.Many women become irritable at least, but there are different symptoms for individuals.  PMS is something that husbands use to explain when the wife gets angry or upset.It's an "excuse" used at times by some wives as well.

A very simple and inexpensive vitamin/mineral "cure" is available that seems to work for all women. This is simply taking vitamin B6 and magnesium supplements regularly. The "word" about this got to some MD's and they started patients on large doses of B6. MD's, knowing little about vitamin interaction, called this "B6 toxicity when different women developed other problems, and B6 got a bad reputation. B6 was then written up by some "learned experts" as toxic in large quantities.

The truth, known to all scientists who have studied vitamin and mineral interaction, is much simpler.  If you take large doses of individual B vitamins, you are likely to develop a deficiency in some others.  Thus, if you are going to take large doses of B6, you MUST be taking at least a 50 Mg B complex at the same time.   (B vitamins are synergistic and all are needed to work together.)

As for magnesium, there is a built-in body response to too much - Diarrhea. Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts), is an old laxative, tastes bitter, and a little goes a long way. It tastes terrible, and using magnesium citrate tablets from a health store is usually easier for most.

There's a page on my website devoted to a basic vitamin'mineral regimen that helps everybody. I've personally used Solgar VM-75 for over 25 years. Since it contains 75 mg of all the B vitamins, it solves the above problem, and probably many other health problems as well.  No woman who has followed my advice on this has ever had a problem with excess B6.

I have no vested interest in Solgar, but I’ve found that it works for most for over 25 years. My recommendations for magnesium and calcium balance are also on that webpage.

To avoid PMS completely, how much B6 should you take? That's a tough question to answer, as everyone is different. The usual recommendation is to try taking about 200 mg per day at least 10 days prior to the menstrual period and see if you have PMS.  If not, for that period, try cutting down to 100 mg for the next period. It's up to you to experiment until you find the dosage that's right for you. Remember that you are the best judge of your health. Take either a multi that provides at least 50 mg of the B complex (or Solgar VM-75) daily with this B6 dosage.

If 200 mg doesn't clear up the PMS completely, try 250 mg, or try taking the 200 for the whole month. It varies with each individual. My wife, when I first met her over 20 years ago had very bad PMS. She started on 200 mg and had no PMS. A month or so later, she got quite twitchy, and remarked "You know if I didn't know better, I'd think I was having PMS. I'm craving salty foods and feeling bad."

When I told her that I had cut her down to 100 mg she got very angry at me. She went back up each month, and we found t. A year or so later, she no longer needed the B6, as the VM-75 did it for her. She hasn't had PMS since. This experience is typical for most women. I hope it helps you.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor of Neuroliminal Training solving brain problems of:
ADD/ADHD/Autism, Depression, Insomnia, Epilepsy, etc