Friday, January 9, 2009

Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Help Cure Bleeding Nose

Nose bleeding occurs when the delicate blood vessels in the nose rupture. There can be many reasons to the rupture of the blood vessels. Below are some common reasons:

1. Injury or trauma caused by picking of the nose
2. Injury may caused by a hard blow to the nose
3. Sneezing too hard or too frequently.
4. Breathing of very dry air
5. Sensitive nose which is more prone to bleeding due to thin blood vessels
6. The leading causes may be due to the picking of the nose or that the nose is more much sensitive and prone to bleeding as your GP has mentioned.

However, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers another possibility to the cause of nose bleeding – blood boiling over as a result of heat. This would be due to hyperactivity of the “yang” element or the accumulation of heat within the body as a result of diet. It could also be a deficiency of the “yin” element in the body as a result of the lack of body fluids. If indeed the above-mentioned is the cause of your children’s nose bleed, it is highly recommended that you pay attention to his diet. Avoid the standard culprits like chocolates, biscuits and spicy greasy food. You can instead, consume more fruits and vegetables and drink more water.

You can also extract 50 - 100ml of fresh lotus root juice, add some sugar for taste and get your child to drink a glass daily. Another simple supplement will be to have 200gm of fresh sugar cane with 50gm of cogongrass root (bai mao gen) and 5 water chestnuts. You can boil the mixture with water and get your kid to drink it about 2 to 3 times a day.

After approximately a week, if the above-mentioned does not bring about an improvement in your child’s condition, it is however, recommended that you bring him for a detailed medical examination to determine the cause.

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