Thursday, January 1, 2009

Alternative Cures For Acid Reflux

At this point acid reflux has become a very common condition that many people suffer from. They can be very painful to the point that you may feel as if you are having a heart attack. This is a condition that can be kept under control. There is no reason anyone should have to suffer with pain like that. Simply watching what you eat and a good acid reflux home cure is enough. In this article we will take a look at some of things you can to do keep your condition at bay.

Start off by writing down foods that bother your stomach. Some common ones are greasy foods, acidly foods, spicy foods, chocolate, coffee, and many others. Some foods may be unique to your condition only. Foods that trigger acid reflux in one person may not trigger the condition in you. A few tweaks in your diet alone can make a huge difference.

The next thing you need to do is find a good homeopathic cure for acid reflux. There are many of them out there. The very first remedy you should try is apple cider vinegar. By no means is apple cider vinegar a permanent cure. It is simply a way to give yourself some relief. All that is needed is for you to take a teasppon when you feel any burning in your stomach or throat areas. This works by helping your stomach produce more acid. The theory is that your stomach is not producing the acid it needs to break down foods.

Another very useful remedy is apples. Many people have found that by eating an apple every day they can help keep acid reflux away. This isn't a very long lasting cure for most. Most people will find that this works well for a certain amount of time, but the acid reflux will always come back. However, I highly recommend it. Apples are good for you, and should be part of a good acid reflux diet plan.

Lots of people have had success using baking soda. The best way to take baking soda is to take a half teaspoon with water. If you do this once in the mourning and once at night you should see allot of relief. This works as its best when you use a healthy diet to your advantage. There is no way you can expect to overcome acid reflux if you keep eating foots that bother your stomach.

The next time you get acid reflux or heartburn be sure to give some of these remedies a try. Many people are suprised by how well many natural treatmens work over the normal medications they use.

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