Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to Finally Cure Acid Reflux

Those who suffer from acid reflux know just how painful that it can be. You can rarely eat the foods that you would like and it can stop you from getting a healthy night of good sleep. Anyone who has taken medication for acid reflux should know that it doesn't work all that well. This is why you need a real acid reflux cure. For this article we will be taking a look at natural remedies, cures, and causes of acid reflux.

You should start off by looking into the reasons as to why you have acid reflux. It is very common for pregnant women to suffer from acid reflux and heartburn towards the end of her pregnancy. This is simply because the baby is getting bigger and putting pressure on the stomach. The other common reason for acid reflux is due to a lack of digestive enzymes. This can cause your stomach digest your food too slowly.

If you want to give natural remedies a try then you should look into vinegar. Apply cider vinegar is the most popular, but even normal white vinegar can work. Try taking one teaspoon full and see how your stomach responds. If things are getting better, then you may want to try a little bit more. The reason for vinegar being effective is do to the fact that it helps your stomach digest.

Many acid reflux sufferers do a very bad job of watching the foods that they eat. For the most part, common sense eating habits will tell you to avoid foods that cause acid reflux. You should avoid chocolate, spicy foods, and just about anything that bothers your condition. Everyone is a little different.

An issue many have is how they eat their food. If you eat your food to fast and don't chew it properly, then you can have major digestion problems. Take your time while you are eating and chew your food slowly. Make certain that you don't over eat. Smaller meals will make it easier to digest your food.

After you eat each meal you may want to try eating a banana. Bananas can help sooth your stomach and reduce the amount of acid that your stomach makes. This won't work for everyone. Everything depends on what your condition is actually caused by.

Finally, I highly recommend that you stay away from much of the acid reflux medication that doctors recommend. Allot of them will do more harm then they will good. They do some really weird things inside your stomach that is anything but natural. Of course that is really up to you.

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