Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Asthma Attack Treatments – How To Use An Asthma Inhaler

When having trouble breathing, loss of breath, or any stoppage of breathing, there are several steps you can take to increase the air flow through the air passageway to help cease the asthma attack.

If you have an asthma inhaler handy, shake it enough to where you may breathe it and get enough of the medicine, make sure to breathe out slowly, all the way. Put the mouthpiece of the inhaler near 2 inches away from your mouth, or if you´ve got a spacer which applies to the end of the mouth piece, breathe in and push down on the inhaler at the same time.

While doing so, hold your breath for nearly ten seconds, breathe out slowly through your nose. If this doesn´t decrease the attack, try to do it all over again. Before you do anything, you should try to find out if the inhaler is empty - putting it in a bowl of water, and if it sinks it is full, if it floats, it is empty.

If your inhaler fails for you, find the nearest chair and straddle the chair backwards, putting your elbows up on the back of the chair to try and maintain your breathing. These are just a few of the many asthma attack treatments.

Always be sure to take the prescribed medicine from your doctor. If these asthma attack treatments fail for you, then this may be what caused the attack in the first place.

Always write down what time the attack happened, what activity you were doing to help insure you of what you can do to prevent yourself from having an attack with this asthma attack treatment.

If you haven´t had allergy testing already, you should plan on having it soon. This will help you stay away from things that may make you have an asthma attack.

Learn what causes an asthma attack and how you can use asthma herbal inhaler to stop asthma attacks.

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