Monday, December 15, 2008

Asthma Natural Treatment – Alternative Childhood Asthma Remedies

There are many alternative treatments for asthma. Asthma is known as the "most common chronic disease of childhood." Normally, people will use herbal remedies to try and dilate the air passageway to help you breathe if you´re having problems with asthma.

Some people may say to eat cold water fish with high content fish oils, since oily fish like salmon and tuna may reduce the risk of your own asthma symptoms, and is a very useful for an asthma natural treatment.

Most physicians will claim that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables or omega-3 fatty acids will prevent from having bronchitis, wheezing, and asthma.

Asthma natural treatments can include eating fresh fruits and/or vegetables in your daily meals. Adulthood asthma may be prevented through eating these vegetables and fruits with a wide variety of produce, as some may say.

Recent studies have declared that antioxidants and certain nutrients in plant foods help prevent or ameliorate asthma, which can be another asthma natural treatment to prevent you from having asthma while you enter adulthood, or are already in adulthood.

Stay away from hydrogenated and trans fats. You can find these in pastries, cookies, cakes, and any other pastry dish. Although you may find it delicious, it may increase your chances of getting asthma during your stages of life.

Warm liquids will help lessen severity. Also, some people find fish oil supplements may reduce the severity of asthma. This includes exercise-induced asthma. Supplements may vary, and there is still research being processed to find if food is related to asthma.

Supplements can include Flavonoids, such as Genistein and Quercetin; Boswellia is an Ayurvedic herb; Vitamin C, magnesium, and gingko; Sylimarin, found in milk thistle; Alpha Lipoic Acid, found to be useful in one mouse study; Butterbur; and Yoga may help prevent or decrease asthma, and are considered natural asthma treatments.

Discover the best chronic asthma natural treatment at my site. Visit my site to learn more about asthma homeopathy treatments.

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