Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Side Effects of Chemotherapy

All through medical history, cancer has been one of the most dreaded diseases. While medicine has advanced in terms of treating this disease, cancer remains as notorious and feared as ever. It can be very painful emotionally if you have been diagnosed with any type of cancer. The emotional roller coaster of having to deal with the grim fact of cancer can hamper one’s positive thoughts despite the sickness. Another thing that cancer patients have to deal with would be the physical pain associated with chemotherapy, one of the more popular treatment options against the said disease.

There are a lot of pronounced side effects of chemotherapy like vomiting, nausea, hair loss, extreme fatigue, constipation, abdominal pain, mouth sores, and diarrhea, among others.

Another downside of undergoing chemotherapy is that the patient does not have a good taste of any food he or she takes. There is also irritation in the mouth caused by mouth sores, especially when the patient eats. After the patient goes through the treatment, he is limited to a very simple daily intake of food.

Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation could also cause depreciation in the nutritional intake of the patient. This can result to various deficiencies like mental instability, hair loss, depression, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gas and stomach problems, among others.

There are actually solutions to these problems faced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Certain herbs are known to minimise the side effects experienced by cancer patients. As a result, cancer patients can receive the same medical treatment without the said side effects and recover within the shortest time frame possible.

For one, mixing natural herbs like tangerine, fennel, Chinese hawthorne, atractylodes, Codonopsis, Chinese licorice, dendroblum, Joy’s Tears, Astragalus, and Poria into herbal formulas can alleviate the negative effects of chemotherapy.

Fennel for one can help return the sense of taste while increase secretion of fluids required by the digestive process. The blood flow in the stomach can be improved through the inatek of ginger, whcih also helps better the appetite. Astragalus can deal with diarrhea and loss of appetite. Job’s Tears as well as Dendrobuum can help minimize dehydration.

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation are more likely to successfully overcome their ailment if they are healthier mentally and emotionally. Alleviation of the said side effects of chemotherapy is crucial since it can allow a faster recovery for a cancer patient.

There is one last thing I have to stress upon. A disease like cancer is very dangerous and most of the time fatal, resulting in death. At such times, a alternative option like chemotherapy can be a great blessing, and so one should work with great patience and persevere through the difficult days. No pain is permanent. You will get through it. It is just a matter of time. I admit it is easier than done, and that it will be tough, but think of the situation otherwise. I say it again, no pain is permanent and as time passes, it will all heal, including the memories associated with the incident.

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