The world is gradually turning towards all natural healing and treatments after following the Western medicine system for ages. The popularity of holistic health care is due to the raised awareness created by environmentalists who have pointed out the harm chemicals cause the earth and the human body. The worn out question here is which of the healing systems is better? Is the answer alterative medicine or is it Western medicine as we know it today?
Western medicine is still the standard practice of treatment all over the world. What happens when you use this method of healing is that you attack the result of the malfunctioning of the body in an attempt to get quick relief. The Western medicine system is based on the belief that the body is a battle field that has to be defended against enemy intruders, such as viruses, bacteria, germs and the like. Holistic health care philosophy considers all aspects of lifestyle, energy type and level as well as beliefs as contributing to the overall health of the individual. Bacteria, viruses and other invaders would not be in the body in the first place if, through holistic practices and therapies, the body is able to heal and defend itself.
According to holistic health care, the human body is capable of healing itself and holistic treatment is based on this concept. It is believed that the body needs a little, all natural boost so it can heal itself, since everything it needs is right in the system. Western medicine, on the other hand, believes in killing the harmful organisms to which the body reacts during illness. The basic difference is that the holistic system promotes self-healing, while the Western system takes over and attempts to bring peace by force.
The two healing systems follow two completely different principles of healing. You will find that holistic health care takes the approach that illness is the result of an imbalance of the whole system. The balance is achieved through all natural methods of healing, such as meditation, acupuncture, physical exercise, therapeutic massage and so on. The Western method looks at disease as a part problem, manifested by external interferences that need to be removed so the symptoms will be cured. This is achieved by taking drugs, which are in fact, tiny amounts of chemicals.
Tibetan Goji can be an excellent addition to any holistic therapy regimen.
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