Sunday, November 2, 2008

ADHD Drugless & Affordable Solution

There are several therapies (good and bad) available for ADD/ADHD:

Drugs: (Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Strattera, etc). Most of these drugs contain methylphenidate, the same ingredient as "speed" on the street where it's highly illegal, and addictive to many. This type of "medication" does NOT "cure" anything. Suppressing symptoms also suppresses potential. In addition, there are many drug side effects and addictions as serious drawbacks to using Ritalin and similar drugs. Schools like these drugs as they make it easier to control classrooms.

Allergy treatments: Most allergy treatments are only about 50% accurate, and the only truly effective one is End-Point-Titration (EPT). However, EPT therapy is usually very expensive, ranging up to $10,000 in expensive "doctor" time to diagnose and treat.

EEG Biofeedback: Over the past 40 years research has shown that EEG biofeedback training (aka Neurofeedback or Neurotherapy training) has been the most effective therapy for ADD/ADHD with a "cure" rate of 85% or greater. However, the mid or low income family simply can’t afford this proven therapy at an average cost of $4000+ per ADHD child,

Neuroliminal Training, a new drugless therapy has also proved by extensive volunteer testing (seven tests since 2004) that it does exactly the same thing as EEG BF, (namely change brain wave amplitudes. Neuroliminal Training uses a subliminal messaging CD that is played all night every night for a few months. (Many like it so much for good sleeping that they continue playing the CD.

23 volunteers conducted an 8 week test in 2006

and all 23 improved just as would be expected using EEG BF

In earlier tests in 2004 and 2005, similar results were seen. The similarities between the expensive EEG BF Training and the inexpensive Neuroliminal Training, especially in success rates was remarkable.

13 autistic children ranging in age from 3 to 16 were tested in a volunteer test of eight week usage of NT concluded in 2007. Some improved dramatically, while some improved slowly, all improved . autism takes much more time.

ADD/ADHD success is accepted as a chld that sits still in class, concentrates and learns, raises marks, and often raises IQ.  EEG BF success rate is about 85% with 50-60 (with no guarantee.)  NT guarantees this success or return the package for refund.

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