Tuesday, September 30, 2008

sleep and dreams is of huge importance for a healthy life

There are two theories on sleep function; the conservation theory and the restoration theory. The conservation theory proposes that we basically need to sleep in order to preserve our energy for our daytime use. When our use of energy amount is considered in terms of the rate of metabolism, slow wave sleep especially the first four stages spends merely 5 to 25 % of the amount we use during day, and slow wave sleep is strongly "associated with conservation of energy". Another theory, the restoration theory, holds two hypotheses, the whole body restoration and the neurological restoration. The whole body restoration hypothesis suggests that sleep functions as a process of "anabolism" with respect to protein as well as a release of more hormones. The neurological restoration hypothesizes that brain is the one that needs to sleep. In addition, each stage is responsible for the partial brain restoration and that is why people need to repeat several non REM and REM sleep cycles throughout the night. Some researchers even hypothesize that these two theories might be both correct, and the sleep function is still a myth.

Why do we sleep in the first place? What triggers to fall asleep is not a single source. For example, it has been said that the hypothalamus, located in the center of the brain, collects messages from certain cells and carry the signal to the pineal gland in the brain. This process causes to produce the "hormone melatonin" which helps the body temperature to go down. Also, another example is raphe nuclei, located in the part of the brain which is in charge of "unconscious activity" such as walking and eating, sends an order to nerve impulses to shut down the brain system. Therefore, falling asleep is not merely a single process but a collective event

Many researchers have been trying to find out the functions and symbols of dreams. Though there are many theories, researchers have not exactly found out the reasons we dream and whether the contents of dreams have directly something to do with our everyday life. The first theory came up by a psychologist, Sigmund Freud. Freud explained that what is in our dream is the "repressed longing": the suppressed thoughts and desires that we are usually unable to express socially. Carl Jung also supports Freudian ideas especially the origin of dreams, but except for one important principle. What Jung sees different is that dreams enable us to see ourselves as well as solve our problems. The third theory, "activation-synthesis hypothesis", proposed by Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley in 1970's takes a very different view compared to Freud and Jung. They claim that dream consists of random images which are stored as a memory in our head. These random images, dreams, are created by "nerve signals sent out during REM sleep from a small area called the pons" .Though there are many theories to solve the representation of dreams, the recently study in 1997 by Mark Solms using fMRI and PET seem to lean toward Freudian theory. Solms studied people with a brain damage, and concluded that the most active place during sleep was the part which controls emotion regardless of the differences in brain damages. Though many researchers including Solm do not necessarily see Freudian ideas as completely valid, they do believe that unconscious thoughts may be projected on our dreams.

REM sleep and dreams are related, but what is important about them? In the study by William Dement at Stanford University School of Medicine, participants were awaken when they were about to go to REM sleep stage, and Dement concluded that many participants had a psychological problem such as anxiety and irritability. According to this theory, REM seems like an essential sleep stage for humans. Jerry Siegel, director of UCLA's center for sleep research explains that "REM sleep may have evolved for physiological reasons" considering that Non REM and REM behave like the automatic temperature change which a lot of animals do. Siegel also see dreams as a kind of "epiphenomenon" of a sleep product. The importance and function of sleep and dreams are controversial; some researchers claim that sleep and dreams are essential for health whereas some claim that they were a necessary development for human.
Although there has been many researches and theories on sleep and dreams, we still have not found why we actually sleep and what exactly the importance of this activity. After all, sleeping can be accepted as a fact that we all have to do everyday in our life regardless of the puzzles in reasoning. Because of the technological advancement, our scientific discovery has been much more rapid. Someday, some research might be able to find out the definite answers for sleep and dreams, but until then, the myth of sleep and dreams remains with us.


Monday, September 29, 2008

How to help change bad sleep habits into good sleep habits

Tips to fall asleep are in this article as it seems that everyone has problems with sleep.

A sleep disorder (somnipathy) is any disruption in the sleep patterns of an individual. While some sleep disorders may leave you feeling unrefreshed, a number of symptoms are more severe including excessive sleepiness, snoring, difficulty falling asleep during normal sleeping hours and abnormal behaviors such as restless leg syndrome. There are even disorders that cause you to get too much sleep.

Particular behaviors during normal daytime activities are telltale signs of sleep deprivation. If you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms during the day, you may not be getting enough restful sleep at night, and you may even have a sleep disorder.

Do you:
• Feel irritable or sleepy during the day?
• Have difficulty staying awake when sitting still, such as when watching television or reading?
• Occasionally fall asleep while driving?
• Have difficulty paying attention or concentrating at work, school, or home?
• Perform below your potential in work, school, or sports?
• Often hear that you look tired?
• Have difficulty with your memory?
• Have emotional outbursts?
• Feel tired enough to require a nap almost every day?
• Require caffeinated beverages to keep yourself awake?

Each type of sleep disorder has its own particular symptoms, but each results in some of the above signs of sleep deprivation.

If you suspect that you are not getting enough sleep or that you might have a sleep disorder, speak to your physician or a sleep specialist. If your health care professional feels that you may have a sleep disorder they may ask that you keep a sleep diary, or they may even have you stay overnight at a sleep center for observation.

But if you just have an occasional night when you can’t get to sleep, here are some tips that might help turn bad sleep habits into good sleep habits.

Make sure your bed is comfortable. Different types of mattresses help with different issues. Some mattresses are made to accommodate different types bedmates’ sleeping habits and comfort levels. Others are made to adjust to your firmness preferences. In addition, try therapeutic-shaped foam pillows that cradle your neck or extra pillows that help you sleep on your side. Make sure your sheets are com¬fortable and clean.

Ensure your bedroom remains primarily a place for sleeping. Don’t use your bed for paying bills, doing work, etc. Help your body recognize that this is a place for rest or intimacy.  That means move your television, computer and office out of the bedroom

Keep your bedroom peaceful and comfortable. Make sure your room is well ventilated and the temperature is consistent, and try to keep it quiet. If you have a problem with out¬side noise, a fan or a “white noise” machine can help block it out.

Hide your clock. A big, illuminated digital clock may cause you to focus on the time and make you feel stressed and anxious. Place your clock so you can’t see the time when you are in bed.

Do not nap during the day. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, try not to nap during the day. If you are feeling especially tired and feel as if you absolutely must nap, be sure to sleep for less than 30 minutes, early in the day.

Limit caffeine and alcohol. Avoid drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages for several hours before bedtime.

Don’t smoke. Nicotine is a stimulant and can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Expose yourself to bright light/sunlight soon after awakening. This will help to regulate your body’s natural biological clock. Likewise, try to keep your bedroom dark while you are sleeping so that the light will not interfere with your rest.

Exercise early in the day. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise every day can help you sleep, but be sure to exercise in the morning or afternoon. Exercise stimulates the body and aerobic activity before bedtime may make falling asleep more difficult.

Check your iron level. Iron deficient women tend to have more problems sleeping, so if your blood is iron poor, a supplement might help.

But if you use these tips and still have problems with sleep, it may be a symptom of some other medical condition, so you need to see your doctor to discuss your problems sleeping. 



How to overcome insomnia by important training and practice

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by problems in a person’s sleeping patterns and affects people differently.  Some people have problems falling asleep when they first go to bed and is referred to by most physicians as “sleep on-set insomnia”. Other people fall asleep easily but wake up after only a few hours and have problems going back to sleep.  Still others fall asleep easily, but their sleep pattern is not one that goes through the entire cycle of sleep.  This is often referred to as “sleep maintenance insomnia”.  To better understand this fairly common sleep disorder and the effects of insomnia on a person’s body, we must first learn about sleep and better understand why sleep is so necessary to a healthy life.

Sleep is the period of time when the body appears to repair the damage that has occurred while awake. The study of sleep is comparatively new and what sleep does for the body is not entirely understood. But researchers do know that people can go longer without food than without sleep.  In studies done with mice deprived of sleep versus mice deprived of food, the sleep deprived mice get ill and die faster than the unfed mice.

Sleep studies have revealed that there are 5 stages of sleep.  Stage 1 is a very light sleep when all body systems begin slowing down but the person can still be easily wakened.  Stage 2 is a period where eye movement stop and brain waves begin to slow down.  In stage 3, brain activity slows down even more and the slowest brain waves, called delta waves, sporadically appear.  In stage 4, the brain waves are almost totally delta waves. Stages 3 and 4 are called "deep sleep" and it is difficult to wake a person during stage 4.

Stage 5 is called REM sleep and during this stage everything changes.  Breathing becomes rapid, there are rapid eye movements; this is the stage where subjects dream.  Researchers believe that quality, restorative sleep happens when a person goes through four or five sleep cycles during a sleep period.

Deficiency of sleep first affects the brain, so theories are that the brain needs to rest so as to recharge itself or reorganize data and may also need to rid itself of waste products produced while awake.  Subjects kept awake for days begin to have mental symptoms first; such as hallucinations, inability to concentrate, and problems with memory.

During sleep, researchers have also found that metabolic rates and energy consumption are reduced. The cardiovascular system also slows down during sleep as blood pressure drops as well as heart rate.  Chemicals are replaced and muscles are restored and in children, growth hormones are released.

So, with so many functions in the body affected by sleep, it becomes easy to understand why insomnia can be an extreme problem.  According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services approximately 64 million Americans suffer from insomnia each year.  It also seems to occur 1.4 times more commonly in women than in men.  

Often insomnia is actually a secondary symptom of a primary medical illness such as depression, chronic stress or anxiety, heart disease, sleep apnea, menopause or diabetes; so it's important to see a doctor if you are having trouble sleeping.

If insomnia only occurs time to time, it is commonly referred to as intermittent insomnia.  This is the type of insomnia that occurs when a person is traveling or is worried about a temporary problem.  When insomnia last for a period of 3 weeks to six months it is classified as acute insomnia.  But the problem is insomnia which last from months to years and is classified as chronic insomnia.  Major health problems caused by chronic insomnia are many and vary from fibromyalgia to obesity and can even be fatal.  Experts believe that chronic insomnia is a greater mortality risk than smoking, high blood pressure and heart disease.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tips For Treating Acid Reflux And Heartburn

Severe acid reflux is very painful and needs to be treated in the right way. There are numerouse medications that can be found at your pharmacy. If your condition is very severe then you will probably receive medication from your doctor.

I personally like cures that are natural and easy to apply in my daily life. Natural remedies are more effective and can save you big money. You might have to play around with a few different remedies, but they offer much better long-term relief from your heartburn. Were going to look at some of the best home treatments for acid reflux.

#1 Vinegar

The word has gotten out that vinegar helps cure acid reflux. The theory is that your stomach needs acid to process foods. The more your stomach needs acid the more your acid reflux flairs up. Vinegar can give your stomach that extra acid that it needs. Take one tablespoon of vinegar to see how your stomach responds.

#2 Change In Diet

Vinegar won't do you much good if you are eating foods that don't get along with your stomach. Learn to identify any foods that your stomach responds poorly too. This is often foods like onion, peppers, hot sauces, mexican, and many acid based foods.

#3 Eat Smaller Meals

The more foods you eat the harder your stomach has to work to process all that food. This can lead to your stomach producing too much acid or not enough acid to break the food down. This will cause your acid reflux condition to flair up. Eat smaller meals, but eat more often.

#4 Ginger And Garlic

When you think garlic you probably don't think about it curing your acid reflux. However, garlic is very good at aiding the stomach during digestion. All you need to do is eat a small piece of garlic with each meal. Ginger is also very good for digestion. Try sprinkling just a little on your food.

#5 Lemon Juice With Rock Salt

Generally acidly foods like lemon are not good for acid reflux. In the case you just might be able to get away with it. Simply take some rock salt and mix it with a little lemmon juice. You have to do this at least two ours before you eat. If nothing else seems to work for you, then give this a try.

There are lots and lots of other unique cures and remedies for acid reflux available to you. These five are a great place for you to start at. If none of these treatments work, then you can always go back to what your doctor recommends.

Neo Healar Piles Treatment & Cure

Piles (or hemorrhoids) can be quite painful, irritating or itchy, resulting in some embarrassing circumstances. Technically, we all have hemorrhoids, but it is only when they get inflamed or enlarged that they become the problem that we typically call 'piles', 'hemroids', or 'hemorrhoids.'

The causes of piles are varied, and no single theory has been proven to be the ultimate cause. However, we probably know most of them, over-straining during bowel movements or spending excessive time on the toilet (reading etc.) However, there are some other causes that we might not know about such as an (unhealthy) low fiber diet, tumors in the pelvis, pregnancy, or genetic causes (weak rectal vein walls.) Doctors generally divide piles into two categories: internal and external. Internal piles are not painful, but can become a major problem once they extend to the anus. There are usually four 'categories' of internal piles that doctors have, to distinguish their severity (the fourth being the worst.) External piles are quite painful, and will usually need medical attention if blood clots inside them.

When exploring a piles treatment & cure, you need to also look at ways of preventing piles (which would aid any more forming, and therefore allow the present piles you are suffering with to heal.) To do this, you need to keep your bowel movements soft. This can be done by eating plenty of fiber-rich foods (such as fruit, vegetables, wholegrain cereals) and drinking a lot of water. Also, don't spend more time than is necessary on the toilet (don't hurry your toilet time either) and try to stay away from laxatives as best you can. If you need to take a laxative, keep away from strong laxatives unless the doctor advises. Regular warm baths also help to keep to relieve irritation.

Serious problems with piles may require surgery. However, the doctor must decide if this piles treatment is necessary. Out-patient treatments (i.e., you don't need to stay in the hospital overnight) include Banding and Sclerotherapy. Both of these involve methods of getting the piles to shrink or lose their blood supply, and fall off. These kinds of surgery are usually for first, second or third degree piles (internal piles.) For more serious kinds of piles, surgical removal is needed, and involves two treatments called a Haemorrhoidectomy or a Haemorrhoidopexy.

It's important to remember that piles usually do require treatment to go away. There is, however, an alternative piles cure which may work for even serious cases of piles. Although most creams, ointments, suppositories ease pain and itchiness (and don't really heal the piles as much as just relieve the symptoms, allowing the body to heal itself) there are some natural creams such as the Neo Healar treatment cream which are usually quite affordable, and very effective. Plus, they can save you that embarrassing doctor's appointment and offer both relief and healing very quickly. Being made out of completely natural ingredients, there are also no complications that can sometimes occur through pharmaceutical products.

Prepare for your chin liposuction surgery

In liposuction, the minimum risk of surgery are among the neck and chin liposuction. Yet don't take any risk. Some preparations need to be done to make sure your chin liposuction surgery will comes off smoothly and quickly as your fat cells. The first thing to do is to search for cheap chin liposuction cost and the most important is the due date for the payment. When that's done and you know you can afford the surgery, then you can concentrate on the surgery itself.

What to do two weeks before the surgery

Two weeks before the surgery date, your appointed cosmetic surgeon should have been ready to communicate with your regular doctor to find out whether chin liposuction is safe for you or not. Schedule on the surgery will be arranged once the apointed cosmetic surgeon communicate with your doctor to discuss wheter the procedure is risky or not to be taken. for precaution purpose, you must list all the prescription medicines you are taken to the cosmetic surgeon to let them know about medication or remedies you are taking.

There are some drugs and remedies that have to stop taken two weeks before the chin liposuction surgery date. Your cosmetic surgeon will tell you if your medicines is one of the no list medicines. Something that you have to be honest to your cosmetic surgeon is about your smoking habit. It is safest for you to stop smoking two weeks prior to the liposuction surgery.

You are of course unable to do your house chores during the recovery period. Make sure the house is organize and clean so that you don't have to do cleaning when you are in the recovery period. Buy stock foods so you don't have to go outside when you have to prepare your meal. It can be really easy to manage your life after the liposuction procedure if you have your family stay with you.

On the surgery day

Prepare for an overnight but average of people can go straight way home just after the surgery is done. It is because some patients will react differently to anesthetics that may have to beware on the health after the surgery. You may not driving to home by yourself even though you having chin liposuction surgery. So arrange for transportation from the clinic to your home after the procedure is done.

Don't expect perfection just after the surgery. Expect to look terrible when you look at yourself in the mirror at the first time. The area involved during surgery will be sore, cranky, bruised and swollen strangely in places and you have stitches in your face. But, as time goes by, soon after the recovery period, you will then see great different in your look. Average people need about two weeks time to feel energetic as usual.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hemorrhoids Cream - The True Facts

There are many types of hemorrhoid remedies and hemorrhoid cream or ointment available over the counter and on the market today, however most of these creams or ointments are only designed to soothe the pain, itching and burning associated with hemorrhoids, which is why they usually contain numbing agents. However, there are some creams that are able to shrink the swelling anal cushions (which is what hemorrhoids are) and these vary from anesthetic and analgesic ointments, to homeopathic or natural ointments. Some of these products also come as a foam of sorts. Cortisone-based creams are available by prescription.

Still, most of these products do little more than ease the discomfort and allow the hemorrhoids to heal on their own. Hemorrhoids of a more serious nature, though, are usually not able to heal on their own and may require surgery. However, a natural, traditional remedy such as Neo Healar hemorrhoid cream works very well and has a high success rate in preventing the need for surgery. Natural remedies are, quite naturally, recommended and viewed as better than pharmaceutical remedies because they avoid complications and work with the body. Neo Healar's process of healing is not just to soothe, but to heal and repair the hemorrhoid issues as well. This is particularly helpful.

In addition to hemorrhoid cream, there are many other natural means in which you can prevent hemorrhoids from occurring. The most simple means is to ensure you have soft bowel movements by drinking lots of water and keeping a healthy (high fiber) diet. From there, develop good bowel habits by ensuring you do not spend longer than is necessary on the toilet (reading is not recommended) or ensuring you do not strain during bowel movements (soft bowels help this from being necessary.) Certain natural vitamins help as well, such as the following:

1) Vitamin E : Vitamin E prevents further inflammation from occurring, being a powerful anti-oxidant.

2) L-Arginine : This can help to prevent muscle spasms, which is also beneficial in preventing anal fissures from occurring

3) Horse Chestnut : a wonderful herb that alleviates swellings

4) Red Sage : Red Sage stimulates blood circulation, which is beneficial in the prevention of piles

5) Oat straw : Oat Straw is beneficial for the digestive system, and also raises energy levels

6) Plantain : Itching and burning is greatly relieved

More serious forms of hemorrhoids may only be cured through surgery or hospital treatment procedures, although many of the natural healing hemorrhoid creams mentioned above may prevent this. If hospital procedures are required, however, there are methods which are relatively quick and are designed to cut off blood supply to the hemorrhoids or shrink them so that they fall off on their own, and the skin left behind heals. Surgery, though, requires over-night treatment and actual removal of the hemorrhoids themselves.

Friday, September 26, 2008

5 Simple & Effective Hemorrhoid Treatment Tips That Work Wonders

Hemorrhoids can be so hard to deal with. They bleed, they itch, and they hurt every time you sit down or even move. This problem is a very common one, but that doesn't make it any better for you. While some people don't always even feel them, there are many people who have hemorrhoids that are very painful, and if you are dealing with painful hemorrhoids, no doubt you would like to learn about some hemorrhoid treatment tips that will help you feel a whole lot better. Tired of dealing with the pain? Well, here are a few simple hemorrhoid treatment tips that can really help you out.

Tip #1 Don't Lift Heavy Objects - It's important that you don't lift any heavy objects if you are dealing with hemorrhoids. This is one of the most important hemorrhoid treatment tips to keep in mind if you want to get rid of the pain of dealing with hemorrhoids. When you lift something that is very heavy, you strain your muscles and often the veins in your rectum as well. So, just avoid lifting anything heavy if at all possible to try to give yourself some relief from the problem.

Tip #2 - Avoid Certain Drinks and Foods - Another important tip for hemorrhoid treatment is to make sure that you avoid certain drinks and foods that may exacerbate your problem with hemorrhoids. Coffee and alcohol are two drinks that can actually make your hemorrhoids worse, so stop drinking them. Also, eating nuts or spicy foods can also make you have more problems as well. So, make sure you avoid things that may make them feel even worse.

Tip #3 - Talk to Your Doctor if You Get Worse - If you end up getting worse, it's important that you talk to your doctor as soon as possible, especially if you've been having problems for more than a week. If you are dealing with severe pain, bad bleeding, or seepage, you should let your doctor know as well. He'll be able to help you figure out which hemorrhoid treatment will work the best for your particular problem.

Tip #4 - Try an Over the Counter Hemorrhoid Treatment - There are a whole host of different hemorrhoid treatments out there that you can purchase over the counter. From creams to liquids, there are many ones that you can try out. However, you may want to talk to the pharmacist before you pick one for you, since they can help you pick one that won't clash with your current medications and let you know which ones really work the best.

Tip #5 - Use Some Ice - If you happen to have hemorrhoids that are on the outside of your anus, one hemorrhoid treatment tip that may help you out is ice. Consider using a nice ice compress, since they may help you get rid of some of the swelling so it is easier to sit and a whole lot less painful for you as well.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Aloe Vera Supplement Of The Stars...

Hollywood really is an exclusive club, a world unto it's own. It is a simple fact that stars and almost all of the folk working in the entertainment industry are privy to beauty and health methods the remainder of the world are now not. The most recent and the best of anything runs like lightening thru Hollywood as speedily as a cellphone call or a text message can be typed. They are the select possessors of the final knowledge in each beauty and health product available.

This sometimes happens when a celeb, or top pro "discovers" a product that actually works. When this phenomenon happens, the excitement becomes barely palatable. And a product or treatment just receives this kind of attention when it rises to the top due to quality, efficacy, sustainability and creativity. Average products or trends simply never hold the interest of a community who are smart and demand the best. And if you are lucky enough to be the purveyor of this precious new info it could be the key which will usher you or your business into the inner sanctum of the affluent and tough.

So the hunt for one of these rare jewels is definitely a search deserving of effort in Hollywood. One such remarkable beauty and health product that has lately achieved this coveted status in Hollywood is known as Aloeride. The fundamental ingredient being that traditional beauty and health part, Aloe Vera. Plenty of studies have shown that when Aloe Vera gel or liquid comes in contact with the air, it instantly begins a quick bacterial degradation. This decreases the beauty and nutritive price just about as fast as the top is off the bottle. When nutrients are fed more cleanly into the body and individual cells, the body loses its need to adhere to poisons and fats to feed on.

Of course, this may be an amazing side-benefit for those needing to shed pounds or keep their weight in check. And do not think Hollywood hasn't discovered the beauty advantages of this superb small capsule. So what does Hollywood know about Health and Beauty that the remainder of us don't? Everything. And what is Hollywood totally humming about? Aloeride. Read my own aloeride review. This is definitely a secret the remainder of the world should be in on.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Natural Cure For Kidney Stones

High tech medical treatments are normally not required for treating most small kidney stones, as natural cures for kidney stones are available. One of the most common is drinking a lot of or adequate amounts of water, which assists the body pass out kidney stones without pain. Having a sedentary lifestyle also gives the possibility of thoe bones increasing their calcium levels, which then results in the formation of calcium stone. Some physical activity helps reduce the levels of calcium absorption within the body.

There are yet some natural cures for kidney stones that include herbal medicines can help remove kidney stones. Cleavers is one among them, which has proven result of curing kidney stones. Kava kava is another herbal medicine that has the capacity of providing slight sedation. Therefore, the person would not feel the pain while passing the stone. Seven barks are also used for sedative purposes. It helps in curing kidney stone problem. Gravel root is very effective herb, which helps in giving treatment to stones and gravel of the kidney.

To improve the strength of using a herbal treatments to cure kidney stones, a well balance diet should also be considered. A high fiber diet is normally required for people that use natural cures for kidney stones so that the stones pass trhough the system easily and without much pain. A lot of water should be taken in everyday to be free from kidney stones, in addition to avoiding alchohol, sugar, beverages, refined white flour and so on, as these steps tend to prove beneficial in the treatment of small kidney stones.

Kidney stone formation has strong links with low magnesium intake, and thus a balanced diet that is enriched with magnesium in addition to other minerals can help in decreasing the size of existing kidney stones. This can also prevent further formation of stones.

Disorders such as metabolic disorder can also lead to stones forming in the kidney. Thus, the use of natural cures for kidney stones tend to concentrate on dealing with these metabolic disorders. The intake of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber do help in increasing prompt metabolic activities in the body.

Foods rich in oxalate can also increase levels of calcium. This means that people need to limit the intake of high oxalate foods such as chocolates, tea, coffee, spinach and so on, especially if they are susceptible to kidney stone formation. Calcium supplements are to be avoided if these are not really needed. Whilst Vitamin D is good for health, it also enhances calcium absorption and if excessive amounts of Vitamin D are taken then this could lead to the formation of calcium stones. Hence, it is advised to consider the use of natural ways to cure kidney stones.

Some of the fruits that have proved to be effective natural cures for kidney stones include figs and pomegranate. Lemonade, similarly aids in inducing the body to pass out the stones though the urinary tract easily. Watermelon is another that can be taken in either as a fruit or juice to help pass out stones from the system. The fact is watermelon has the ability to reduce acidity in the urine and thereby allows passing of the stones without too much pain.

Other natural methods can include a mixture of honey and basil extract which helps dissolve minor kidney stone granules. The practice of chewing on pomegranate seeds has also shown results to prevent kidney stone formation, and taking a teaspoon of pomegranate seed poweder assists in removing the kidney stone naturally.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Do You Really Need Fiber for Constipation Relief?

Constipation is some times looked at as a nuisance, something that might go away. But in reality it is a condition that is serious and comes from physical and mental unbalances. Because of this, constipation represents a warning that you are imbalanced in some way and you should not ignore it. So, where do you start to get constipation relief? You start by eating more fiber and drinking the right amount of water.

Eating the right amount of fiber will give you health benefits that are incredible. So many diseases are eliminated with you eat plenty of fiber. In the past, no one knew much about fiber and that it had no value as it entered and exited your body. But now, we know that if you don’t eat fiber you will have a short and painful death. Avoid eating fiber and here are some of diseases that you will create.

Colon diseases
Breast cancer
Acid Reflux
Cardiovascular diseases
Hiatus hernia
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Prostate cancer

Fiber helps you get constipation relief because it helps you maintain at least 2 bowel movements per day. But, even though you may have that many bowels, you may still have a serious condition that is developing in your colon. But eating fiber is the first step in getting constipation relief.

Fecal matter that travels through the colon can come out regularly, but if it is leave residue behind, stuck along your colon walls, then your daily movements are not enough to keep you healthy. This is where a colon cleanse comes in handy by removing accumulated waste and giving you a fresh clean colon to start with. Fiber also brushed up along colon walls to keep them clean.

What you need to do for constipation relief?

The first thing that you need to do to for regular bowel movements is to add more fiber to your diet. Fiber adds bulk to your stools so that they can be pushed out easily. It attracts water so that your stools will be soft and not hard and dry. Fiber has many additional functions, which help to prevent diseases.

Most people in the United States eat around 8-10 ounces of fiber every day. Are you one of them? If so, every week, start adding 2-3 more ounces of fiber to your diet, so that the next week you have your intake to 10-12 ounces. Keep doing this weekly until you are eating 25-30 ounces per day and you will be one hundred miles ahead of regular people in colon health. As you add more fiber to your diet, you can expect to create more gas, but this will change as your body gets use to eating more fiber.

So where do you get good fiber for constipation relief?

Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables and grains. It is a complex structure that keeps fruits, vegetables, and grains from falling apart. Fiber is a subclass of carbohydrates. It consists mostly of cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and pectin.

You get fiber from raw fruits and vegetables. So snack on apples, mangos, strawberries, bananas, melons, watermelons, oranges, and tangerines, grapes in the morning and between meals. Then eat a small raw salad with lunch and dinner. Always eat raw vegetables with protein to help protein waste move quicker through your colon. Cooked vegetables reduce the health benefits you get from fiber.

As fiber bonds are broken up in the stomach, they move into your small intestine ready to make your colon function better. If you have eaten enough fiber during a meal, your stools will have a certain shape, size, color and consistency. And, they will float and not drop to the bottom of the toilet.

Start using more fiber to get good constipation relief. Not only will you feel better but you will be preventing many diseases that are just waiting to be created in your body. Do you see any of the diseases listed above in people you know? Did they eat enough fiber? Will you eat enough fiber? Please do.

To get you more tips on constipation remedies and colon health from the natural nutritionist, Go to these constipation sites for more information: http://www.stop-constipation.com and http://www.remedies-for-constipation.com .

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Side Effects of Chemotherapy

All through medical history, cancer has been one of the most dreaded diseases. While medicine has advanced in terms of treating this disease, cancer remains as notorious and feared as ever. It can be very painful emotionally if you have been diagnosed with any type of cancer. The emotional roller coaster of having to deal with the grim fact of cancer can hamper one’s positive thoughts despite the sickness. Another thing that cancer patients have to deal with would be the physical pain associated with chemotherapy, one of the more popular treatment options against the said disease.

There are a lot of pronounced side effects of chemotherapy like vomiting, nausea, hair loss, extreme fatigue, constipation, abdominal pain, mouth sores, and diarrhea, among others.

Another downside of undergoing chemotherapy is that the patient does not have a good taste of any food he or she takes. There is also irritation in the mouth caused by mouth sores, especially when the patient eats. After the patient goes through the treatment, he is limited to a very simple daily intake of food.

Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation could also cause depreciation in the nutritional intake of the patient. This can result to various deficiencies like mental instability, hair loss, depression, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gas and stomach problems, among others.

There are actually solutions to these problems faced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Certain herbs are known to minimise the side effects experienced by cancer patients. As a result, cancer patients can receive the same medical treatment without the said side effects and recover within the shortest time frame possible.

For one, mixing natural herbs like tangerine, fennel, Chinese hawthorne, atractylodes, Codonopsis, Chinese licorice, dendroblum, Joy’s Tears, Astragalus, and Poria into herbal formulas can alleviate the negative effects of chemotherapy.

Fennel for one can help return the sense of taste while increase secretion of fluids required by the digestive process. The blood flow in the stomach can be improved through the inatek of ginger, whcih also helps better the appetite. Astragalus can deal with diarrhea and loss of appetite. Job’s Tears as well as Dendrobuum can help minimize dehydration.

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation are more likely to successfully overcome their ailment if they are healthier mentally and emotionally. Alleviation of the said side effects of chemotherapy is crucial since it can allow a faster recovery for a cancer patient.

There is one last thing I have to stress upon. A disease like cancer is very dangerous and most of the time fatal, resulting in death. At such times, a alternative option like chemotherapy can be a great blessing, and so one should work with great patience and persevere through the difficult days. No pain is permanent. You will get through it. It is just a matter of time. I admit it is easier than done, and that it will be tough, but think of the situation otherwise. I say it again, no pain is permanent and as time passes, it will all heal, including the memories associated with the incident.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Colon Cleanse, A Beginners Guide

If you are someone who is open to different alternative health strategies and are looking for something that will make you feel more healthy and energetic than you have been in a while, you'll find that one thing that you may wish to consider is a colon cleanse fast.  Everyday more people are waking up to the idea that there are many things that they need to think about when it comes to keeping healthy and happy.  An impotrant thing that they need to take into account is a diet that will help them keep their colon healthy.

There are many reasons why you may wish to engage in a colon cleanse, but constipation is one key that you should look into it immediately.  Take  note that having a bowel movement is the main way that your body gets rid of waste materials and toxins, and if it cannot do this, you'll find that you are risking disease and a great deal of discomfort. When you think about the foods that we eat that are not conducive to good digestive health, including things like refined sugar, white flour and meat that is laced with hormones and antibiotics, it is easy to see why our systems might not be coping as well as they could be.

When you are addressing an unhealthy colon situation, you'll find that there are many symptoms that you might be suffering from.  You could learn that it is difficult to muster up any energy, you might find that losing weight is a problem.  You may also identify that the food you eat is not able to do as much good for you, and that you will find that you are much more likely to get sick and then have a hard time recovering.

There are many different ways of colon cleansing that can help you.  While some diets are made to only last for a short time and require the investment of only a few days, you'll find that other colon cleansing methods will involve many healthy changes over time.  You may find that you are looking at solutions that involve fasting, that is, restraining from eating for a day or so, or juice fasting, which means consuming nothing but juice.  You can also use a colon cleanser that can help the process, but that is beyond the scope of this article (for more info on colon cleansers.)  As always, remember to think about your own body and what it needs.

You may also find that some colon cleansing diets will ask you to move over to a diet of raw vegetables or at least to a diet that is higher in vegetables.  More cruciferous (leafy) vegetables in your diet will mean an improvement in fiber, which will help cleanse your system very effectively.

If you have been struggling with any of the problems named above, it might be time for you to look into a colon cleanse.  Think about what your choices are and what you can do to make sure that you are going to get the results that you require.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Do You Use Natural Remedies?

One of the basic principles about natural health remedies is that they are food. Natural remedies come from plant roots, stems, and leaves. These plant parts, herbs, are then dried and have very little other processing that would affect their potency. Of course, you have some manufacturers that may apply excess heat or vacuum in their processing, which would reduce the herbs quality.

Natural remedies are also considered all those products, single or formulations that consist of herbs, minerals, vitamins, and special natural products.

Remedy History

Natural health remedies have a long history with all cultures. In fact before drugs ever existed the only medication available to doctors was natural remedies. These natural health remedies were the plant themselves, teas and tinctures.

The Start of Drugs

Once drugs started to appear on the market, doctors and patients found these to be easy to apply and use. All drugs at the time came from processing plants and extracting the active ingredient for a specific condition. Later drugs started to appear that were synthetic and chemical similar to the active ingredient in plants.

Any food or chemical that is synthetic is processed differently by your body. It may cause an allergic reaction or it may produce a side effect. Even drugs produced from plants will produce side effects. This is an important consideration when taking drugs, since some drugs have side effects equal to the body condition they are trying to eliminate. For example a high blood pressure drug may cause high blood pressure if it is used to long.

All drugs have side effects if used to long. Drugs should only be used for a short term. Use of drugs for a loing time will kill you with their side effect. Once a doctor puts his patient on one drug, it sometimes wouldn’t be long before they are on 3 or 4 more drugs. Many people are on 10 and sometimes even more drugs at the same time.

When you are on one drug, it can produce a side effect that requires another drug to suppress that side effect. Most drugs do not cure, but suppresses the body’s illness or condition so that the body has a chance to heal. After that time, you should come off that drug, but many doctors continue to prescribe these drugs, even after you don’t need them.

Using Natural Remedies

Natural health remedies typically don’t have side effects. If you use them in high concentration and too often, then you could have side effects. Or, if you are allergic to a specific plant, then, you could have side effects.

Natural remedies have not been known to kill people. Drugs have a horrible history in that thousands of people have been kill by the use of drugs. Remedies have such a long history that every type of illness or diseases has a remedy that is useful for that illness.

You can always research what remedies you need to help your condition. Doctors don’t like that you do this, since you take away business from them when you find a remedy that works for you.

Natural remedies are also used for preventing disease, whereas drugs are not design for this purpose. Drugs suppress a symptom; remedies give whole body support and specific support for the indicated illness that they target.

In his book, Herbal Pathfinders, Robert Conrow and Arlene Hechksel describe the lives of many herbalists. Here are a few comments from this book.

Vasant lad, says that “Ayurveda sprang from cognitions that occurred in the meditative minds of the ancient seers of truth…”

Wabum says that “usually herbalists are considered to be medicine people of a certain degree… their work in the past could be considered the work of a doctor, psychologist, counselor, or teacher.”

Ellwood Carr says that “out of all the plants on the face of the earth, 90% of human energy around the world comes from only 15 species of plants…”

Natural Health Remedies such as herbs, herbal formulations, minerals, vitamins are now finding new application by consumers. Consumers are slowly becoming more independent and are questioning the excess use of drugs by doctors. They are returning to the use of natural remedies that have been effective for centuries and have little or no side effects.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Health Benefits of Soy Candles

            Soy is everywhere these days, including in your milk, chips, nuts, and even burgers adding health benefits through and through, now it seems soy is also in your candles. Soy candles are a new and emerging type of candle the offers great benefits to those candle heads in the world that can’t live without fresh aroma burning each and every day in their homes.


            “If it lasts longer it’s okay with me” said a friend of mine once during a casual dinner. Take that comment for what you will, my friend could’ve meant a variety of things by it, but in general consumers prefer long lasting items to those that are short in life span. Soy candles last 30 to 50 percent longer then traditional candles. Your average 14 oz candle, similar to a Yankee candle large size, will last about 75 hours. If you were to have that candle be a soy candle, it would last over 100 hours and smell just as sweet as the traditional candles do.


            Traditional candles are known to cause soot in and around the general area they are burning. For those that aren’t familiar with our friend soot, think grayish black smoky smelling fog that clouds the top of your candle jar, on your walls, and even on ones ceiling. Soot is caused by the toxic elements in the traditional candles that are released when ignited. Soy candles are all natural and do not contain any toxins, thus no soot will come of them.


            Carcinogens are released into the air when a traditional candle is burning. Carcinogens can cause cancer, and other health related problems. New research is showing links between candles, charcoal, and other burning devices we use in our home lives as cancer causing. Research is just beginning on this issue; however it is a fact that soy candles do not produce carcinogens. When thinking about buying soy candles think of the old cliché, better safe than sorry.


Relax With Aromatherapy Oils

Aromatherapy as a practice dates back to the ancient Egyptians and has experienced a resurgence in the west in recent years. The science behind aromatherapy is known as psychoneuroimmunology which studies the interactions between the psychological, neurological and immune systems. Research has shown that there is a very strong correlation between positive and negative experiences and our immune system as well as our psyche. This premise is recognized by the fields of science and medicine giving credence to the old adage mind over body.

Aromatherapy utilizes the strongest of our senses which is the sense of smell. The sense of smell is unique because it has a direct path to our brain and more importantly it has a direct path to our limbic system. Through this direct portal aromas are able to directly affect conscious thought and reactions as the limbic system is responsible for our memories (turning short term to long term), learned responses, emotions and feelings.

The use of aromatherapy oils to promote relaxation has become very popular by the mainstream population. For this purpose essential oils can be applied in several different ways including baths, diffusers, direct inhalation, or through a massage to name just a few. How you choose to use your aromatherapy oils is a personal preference as long as enjoy the process.

The number of different essential oils on the market is vast leaving the decision of which one to try somewhat daunting. It should be noted that each essential oil has many specific therapeutic applications and many of these are similar with other oils, which allows you to choose an oil that will give you the desired benefits as well as an aroma you enjoy. For instance their are several oils that are known for there powers to relax, so the choice becomes a personal one.

1. Ylang ylang is known for its strong, sweet exotic scent and is extracted by steam or water distillation for the fresh flowers of the tropical tree Canago odorata better known as the Ylang ylang tree.

2. Neroli has a very feminine sweet floral smell and is extracted by enfleurage or steam distillation from the orange blossom petals of the orange tree Citrus auratium. Neroli essential oil is generally sold in a cut form (with another oil) and is one of the more expensive oils on the market.

3. Jasmine is another oil that can be described as having an exotic, sweet floral scent. Jasmine essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the plant Jasminum officinale.

4. Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils as its benefits and applications are vast. This lightly floral scented oil is extracted by steam distillation from the plant Lavandula augustifolia.

5. Sandalwood is has a sensual musky or woody scent and has been used for thousands of years. This essential oil is extracted by steam or water distillation from the heartwood (nonliving central wood)
and roots of the tree Santalum album.  

This is by no means a complete list of the aromatherapy oils that can be utilized for the purpose of relaxation, it is instead a sample of the vast number to choose from. When choosing an aromatherapy oil try to find one that you can use for several desired benefits and more importantly find one that you find pleasing to smell. If you do not like or enjoy the scent of your oil chances are it will not give you the results you are looking for.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Various Uses of Essential Oils and Herbs

For thousands of years the human race has used herbs in a great many ways. These uses can be categorized into three distinctive categories; religious, culinary and medicinal. In the article below we will discuss each of these categories in order concentrating upon medical uses and essential oils.

Throughout history there have been many other uses of herbs which we will not be examining here and these include them being used instead of cash, as a disinfectant and as a perfume or powerful smell to smother bad smells. Herbs come from many parts of the planet and each race usually had unusual uses for them. It is interesting to note that the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greek and Sumerians, the Romans all wrote about them in detail and other writings exist from Ancient India and China. We shall be focusing on modern uses.

Religious Uses Of Herbs

Herbs are still used in a multitude of around the globe.  A large number of Christians will be familiar with myrrh from the Nativity (myrrh is the dried sap of Commiphora myrrha). Hindus will be extremely familiar with the Tulsi plant, which is a type of Basil, as it is grown by many and praised as a Goddess. In Wiccan and Pagan beliefs herbs are utilized extensively in spells, rituals as well as for healing.

Culinary Uses of Herbs

The leaves of various plants are used in cooking however there is a difference between leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, and a herb, such as basil, in that the latter are used in minute amounts due to their distinctive, and powerful flavor. Virtually every person on the planet has benefited from the these amazing plants which are capable of lifting the blandest meal into the realms of a culinary masterpiece.

The Use of Herbs in Medicine

As well as being intense in flavor a herb can also have a profound effect upon the human body. Some types are used as recreational drugs, such as cannabis, which can cause legal problems as they can also have useful medical properties which are still being investigated by academics.

Essential Oils

An essential oil is the concentrate extracted from a variety of plants. Essential oils are invariably created by the method called distillation but some require a different process of extraction such as expression or solvent extraction.

Essential oils have a number of uses, such as perfumes, bath oils, flavorings, burning (for scent) and in cleaning products. However most people know of their use in medicine and especially in aromatherapy and other forms of alternative medicine. I use lavender oil in a number of ways, I add it to my mixture for my oil burner to make the room smell nice but I also use about three drops in a bath when I suffer from aching limbs. When my limbs are very painful I massage it into the muscles but only when it is mixed with a carrier oil. As well as helping to relax the muscles it also helps me sleep more soundly.

Herbs should be used with care as some can be extremely harmful to the human body (in large quantities). Special care should be taken if you are about to have a baby as something that you may consider safe could be surprisingly problematic, such as peppermint oil which should not be used in its raw state. However spearmint and a few other mild oils can be used however to avoid the risk of miscarriage I strongly advise that you avoid all herbs and essential oils unless you are 100% certain they are safe.

The awesome thing about herbs is that growing your own is as hard as buying a herb kit and placing it near a window. To discover more visit http://store.landscapinginfo4u.com/

Arresting Your Head Ache using Acupuncture

There are a good deal of matters that we need to deal with on a regular basis which impacts our health. One very standard matter that people live with in common are Headaches. As a matter of fact, several people have Cephalalgia, or headaches so frequently that they simply learn to live with them and deal with the pain as best they can. Still others have Head Aches, such as migraines, which are almost unbearable to ignore and become a life altering because of their intensity. As a result of these Head Aches, many people have chosen acupuncture in order to find some succour from their suffering.

There are actually two different types of individuals who go to an acupuncturist in order to experience respite from their Cephalalgia, or headaches. There are those who are presently experiencing a Headache and those that are trying to get some kind of preventative care in order to end the next Head Ache from occurring or to decrease its . These are two very distinct situations and are treated differently from the acupuncturist's standpoint. Depending on your scenario when you enter their office will make a difference in how you are clinically treated.

The reason why this is the case is because acupuncture is a way of moving energy throughout your body and it also can increase blood flow to certain areas. The way of treating an existing Headache differs somewhat from the treatment that will assist in blocking future Head Aches. Your doctor will be able to make that determination and to adjust the treatment accordingly.

many people try acupuncture treatments to stop their Head Aches but they are nervous whenever they enter into the office. Perhaps they have never known about acupuncture before and are concerned how it is going to feel or if it is dangerous. The fact is, acupuncture is one of the least risky medical treatments that is in existence. Although it is possible for problems to occur, it is very infrequent and if the doctor is renowned and utilises sterile means when inserting the needles there is little need for worry. The needles themselves seldom hurt whenever they enter into the skin and often make the individual feel either relaxed or even restored.

So, if you are experiencing Head Aches, the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture may be able to assist you in dealing with them. By bringing your body back into balance, you may be able to overcome your Cephalalgia, or headaches once and for all.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Essential Oils: Essential for Mind and Body

Doctors and beauty experts say that some amount of oil is essential to keep our skin healthy and glowing. Going further, oils can even influence our mental condition. No wonder then that essential oils are a rage today.


Essential oils are obtained from the seeds, peel, bark, flowers, roots, and leaves of various plants. Although this term is comparatively new, people have been using essential oils for physical and mental health since time immemorial. Ancient Ayurvedic texts from India report the use of such oils to treat various aches and pains and induce relaxation of mind and body. Today, apart from Ayurveda, essential oils are used in aromatherapy, cosmetics, perfumery, and incense. They are also used to impart flavor to certain dishes and to add fragrance to domestic cleaning products.  


Essential oils are concentrated liquids, and they have the essence of the plant from which they are derived. Its not that all parts of a plant yield essential oil, for example, orange peel, cedar wood, almond seed, and clove flower are the respective parts of the plants that are used to obtain oil.      


As essential oils are marketed in concentrated forms, they should not be applied undiluted on the skin. They are diluted with the help of carrier oils like olive or hazelnut by qualified and experienced aroma-therapists, so avoid mixing and matching oils on your own at home! Use of undiluted essential oil or the wrong mix can trigger severe allergic reactions. For the same reason, never allow kids to handle essential oils without adult supervision. As essential oils smell really nice, kids may have the tendency to consume them. So, if you keep these oils at home, store them in a locked cabinet and out of children’s reach.    


Before your aromatherapy session, request a patch test with the recommended essential oil. This is especially important if you are prone to allergies in general. Some oils are not known to cause any allergy, but even then, never bypass this step. Essential oils are inflammable so it’s essential to store them properly. In addition, use very small amounts of oil and never consume essential oils.


Citrus, lavender, sandalwood, jojoba, chamomile, tea tree oils are some oils that are used as massage, bath, or skin care oils. These help to nourish skin, reduce inflammation, and tackle infection and keep skin soft and fresh. A skin care expert or an aroma-therapist will tell you exactly which oil will be suitable for your skin type. Apart from widespread use in skin care, essential oils are used to relax the body and the mind.


Jasmine, basil, frankincense, sandalwood, peppermint are some oils used in aromatherapy to treat fatigue. Frankincense, orange, lemon, and rose oils reportedly induce a sense of well-being and happiness. Confidence boosters include grapefruit, cypress, and jasmine oils; grapefruit and jasmine oils are also excellent stress busters. If you suffer from low confidence levels or are constantly depressed, aromatherapy sessions can help. While jasmine, orange, grapefruit and rosemary oils can enhance your confidence, rose sandalwood, and lavender can lift your spirits.  


If you don’t have the time or the money for expensive aromatherapy sessions you can simply light incense sticks containing essential oils at home. They will not only add fragrance to your home, but will have a soothing effect on you. You could also buy perfumes that contain essential oils like lavender or jasmine. The options are many for the seeker!


Aromatherapy Candles: The Scents of Peace

A friend of mine called Charlene, who runs an aromatherapy course in Lincoln, Nebraska, told me a story about a young man who had just joined the course and was raring to go because he had read so much about aromatherapy. It was Charlene’s practice to light an aromatherapy candle at the beginning of every session and ask the participants what the fragrance reminded them of. As it happened, she was using a lavender candle and asked the young man what he could smell. He took a deep breath, and with a look of great disappointment on his face, said, “Room freshener!”


“I never found out what he was expecting,” Charlene later told me. With apologies for this initial digression, I think the young man got it at least partially right. Aromatherapy candles are a room freshener par excellence, because they keep a room smelling exquisite for hours together. However, what makes them even better is that they have therapeutic effects on the mind and body.


Why is that? Well, aromatherapy candles are made of wax laced with essential oils from certain aromatic plants, so that as the wax melts, the molecules of the plant extract are diffused into the environment, thus creating a heavenly fragrance.


So which are the plants from which aromatherapy candles draw their fragrances? The answer is not exactly straightforward, since any or more than one part of a particular plant may be the source of the fragrance. But that minor complication apart, lavender is the most popular oil when it comes to aromatherapy candles. That does not mean you don’t have a wide enough choice, given the speed with which the popularity of aromatherapy is increasing.


According to aromatherapy practitioners like Charlene, there are candles to suit all moods. So if you are suffering from insomnia, light sage, chamomile, and ylang ylang candles next to your bath. Those suffering from depression should try rosemary and grapefruit aromatherapy candles, while all-purpose aromatherapy candles contain extracts of sandalwood, eucalyptus, geranium, peppermint, and many other plants. However, you may very well find that reactions vary from person to person, so it is best not to generalize if you are using a candle for therapy. Consult an expert first.


In addition to aromas, these candles are also available in a vast array of shapes and sizes. So you can go for a floating, pillar, gel, votive or jar candle. In addition, if you feel up to it, you can prepare a personalized aromatherapy candle at home by mixing and matching several aromas. To get you started, try a blend of cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. An alternative could be a refreshing and stimulating mix of peppermint, lemon, and rosemary. Don’t forget to write in with the results!

An Introduction To Aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy massage is the type of massage, which takes in the whole aspect of a person, not just one level. Aromatherapy looks at the mind, body and spirit of a person, and also their natural well-being how they live their day to day lives, what food they eat, and how much time they take to relax! Incorporating how much stress is in their lives due to work, children and social commitments, whether they have large financial burdens, and if they have recently suffered a bereavement, birth or just moved house, if they have a disability, have had disease or are suffering from one, or are in general rundown, these aspects are all looked at, before treatment starts.

Aromatherapy massage is a mixture of using massaging techniques, along side the procedure of selecting a composition of essential oils, which have been specifically picked for the person being treated. Aromatherapy is a unique treatment procedure, because of this unique fact, the combination of the selected oils that have been chosen, will never follow a ridged pattern. The essence of Aromatherapy is, that it is tailored to suit any person seeking help - it is not a production line, every single one of the people treated remain an individual, with personal needs.

Aromatherapy will try to get to the root of the problem, and in this day and age, with the wide -ranging selection of oils to choose from, there is an inexhaustible supply in which to use to treat a certain condition or ailment.

Aromatherapy essential oils are created by using the many different parts of a plant, flower, tree or even fruit, by extracting their natural aroma and using the oil extracted for a particular illness, whether it be physical or emotional, or mental, the oil is used to rebalance the client. Oftentimes one particular plant will have different parts used, for different ailments. Take for example, eucalyptus essential oil helps to heal all kinds of physical ailments, these are as follows, the most common are respiratory problems,such as bronchitis,coughs

The use of aromatherapy incorporated within life, has been around for a very long time in fact its been around for many hundreds of years, but it is virtually new to the modern world. As it is still occasionally regarded with mistrust and scepticism, it is only in recent years with the help of training facilities, and the fact conventional medicine is starting to come around to the idea that the use of essential oils are occasionally of more benefit to a individual, than the use of proscription medicinal aids, that aromatherapy is becoming more mainstream.

Aromatherapy essential oils do not have to be used incorporated within a massage, they can also be used at home, in a hot bath, or a oil burner, used as an air freshener, or mixed with a carrier oil, such as almond, to rub on the body and because of these uses, aromatherapy is becoming more widespread, and is continuing to advance as a fundamentally accepted part of society and the way in which individuals live on a day to day basis. People no longer think twice about going and getting a stress relieving aromatherapy massage, in there lunch break, in fact, many companies are encouraging them to do just that!

So in conclusion aromatherapy as many benefits and uses in today's stressful environment and can be used in a positive way to treat many ailments, stress at work and in the home, but can also be enjoyed in a hot bath or just to make the home smell nicer. So why not give it a try, have a massage or buy some essential oil from your local health store.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Medicinal Herbs Working with Mainline Medicine

Why is it that modern medicine and more importantly the pharmaceutical industry have long desired to refute the claimed benefits of consuming medicinal herbs, however, there are those who believe that the healing power of herbs live on. May it be recognized that contradicting many research studies is the fact that many herbs are used in the manufacture of today’s medicine, thereby cementing the notion that medicinal herbs can be useful in protecting and curing some illnesses.

In the past testing of a medicinal herb was based on patients use to record its effects. In a simplistic wayIf the result was positive as well as repeatable, the herb was prescribed for the particular illness for which id had been used. On the other hand, if the results were singular and its effect could not be repeated, its use was discontinued and put on a list of worthless theories.

When reflecting upon these findings, many herbalists believe that requirements of the test may have been slanted. As with some conventional medicine, medicinal herbs  do not have the same effect on every patient and they believe the test groupings may have been too small to accurately depict the benefit of the medicinal herb.

It is well known that in most cases the taking of a medicinal herb usually shows no sign of ill effects, however, there are some natural herbs that can cause problems in humans. Therefore, as with modern medicine, any medicinal herb should be taken with caution and only in prescribed dosages given by a trained herbalist.

Herbs Have Generations Of History On Their Side

It is believed that the Chinese were the first to use any medicinal herb for treating illnesses. In fact there are medical journals that date back around 5000 years listing various known herbal medications, it has also been discovered that ancient Greece and Egypt counted the medicinal herb as an important part of health care, thousands of yeards ago. Many of the herbs they used are still being used by naturalists around the world and many are also marketed for the specific ailments for which they have been used back then.

It is regrettable that the use of medicinal herbs has been a cause of concern for many medical professionals due to the lack of control over their use in over the counter products sold in many drug stores and health stores. Owing to the lack of control in the manufacturing process of these herbal medicines, the claim is that mixing certain herbs and other natural products may cause side effects of which the consumer is unaware..

Let us take as an example, of one of the medicinal herbs used today, is red clover, which grows wild in many parts of the country. It is claimed to have healing tendencies for skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis as well as chronic degenerative diseases and dry cough. Unfortunately, there is little information concerning the proper dosage and application of the clover to achieve the most benefits. Irrespective of the innumerable documented successful  treatments of cases of eczema, psoriasis etc modern medicine still refuses to recognize that medicinal herbs do have healing qualities preferring to promote the products of large pharmaceutical companies instead.

Restore The Natural Balance In Your Children With Chinese Herbal Medicine

Is Chinese Herbal Medicine for real? When you take into account the fact that Chinese Herbal Medicine has been practiced for around 5000 years and has been documented for a lot of that time, you would conclude that it obviously works and with the guidance of trained practitioners it could well be beneficial in your health care needs.

Firstly it must be understood that Chinese herbal medicines for children have literally been developed, tried, tested and in most cases proved to be very affective. These medicines have been in use for over 5000 years.

Chinese herbal medicine for children takes on a holistic approach which does not only look at treating the symptoms but also looks at strengthening the bodies resistance and mental stability of the patient ensuring overall health.

Unfortunately one of the shortcomings of conventional medicines is that they often have detrimental side effects.  For example, the overuse of antibiotics can make a child more susceptible to illnesses like ear infections.  Another is that they treat your child (and you) like a machine and not like people.  We are not suggesting that you should seek to replace your conventional pediatrician, you can certainly look into incorporating Chinese herbal medicines for your children for their care.  

What Ailments Respond To Traditional Chinese Medicine

There are some ailments and long-term conditions that seem to respond very well to Chinese herbal medicines for your children.  These include asthma, diabetes and juvenile arthritis.  Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) has realized that children have different health needs than adults and have been developed over  thousands of years.  Chinese herbal medicines for your children are designed  to have the child’s body retun to its natural balance.

TCM Powders

Chinese herbal medicines for your children are often given to you in powdered form.  These powders can then be mixed in applesauce or a drink and administered twice a day, or whatever the TCM practitioner recommends.  Unlike modern medicines where there is an expiry date, the powders themselves are usually odorless, have very little taste and can be stored over very long periods of time.  They are also tailored to meet the individual health needs of your child.  

Chinese herbal medicine powders for your children are made from dried extractions of natural botanical material (roots, stems, leaves and the like).  These medicines are now made and packed  in modern, sterile laboratories.  The plant material is boiled until a sap like substance is made.  This substance is then dried and ground up to make the powders.   They are far more potent than the original material it came from.

TCM Also Requires Your Active Participation

Unlike conventional medicine, where you depend entirely on the doctor’s direction, you are part of your health solution in TCM.  Pediatrics in TCM looks at treating children in four ways
– through proper diet,
– herbal medicines,
– Chinese massage (Tui Na) and
– acupuncture.  
– Your child will also be expected to learn how to handle stress and to regularly exercise.

You will find that most children like the TCM sessions like Tui Na massage or acupuncture.  The needles are incredibly thin now and insertion can barely be felt.  Sometimes Chinese Herbal medicines for your children are burnt near the child during these sessions.  Don’t be alarmed.  These burning herbs will not be put on the child.  They seem to activate the emotions and self-esteem of the child to help give their natural immune system a boost.

As you can see it is not just a question of taking a prescription to cure the ailment but rather  a complete system to transform the body back to  natural balance.

Immediate Natural Relief for Asthma

One out of every 15 students will suffer from asthma. It has an effect on physical activity, sports involvement, school, friends, and every aspect of their life. Many individuals seek out quick and natural treament for their asthma attacks instead of loading up their bodies with chemicals. However, asthma treatment
through natural remedies depends upon the trigger that started the attack.

There are a number of ways that an asthma attack can be triggered. Among the many triggers are mold, pets, chemicals, smoke, perfume, cleaning agents, food allergies, emotional stress, environmental allergens, changes in barometric pressure, cold temperatures, and pests like rats and cockroaches.

Most of the solutions to asthmatic attacks include medications, steroids and long term medical treatments. An immediate way to naturally treat your asthma is to avoid common triggers such as stress, pollutants, chemicals and pets. Unavoidable triggers include cold weather, animal and pest droppings, and changes in the barometric pressure.

Natural remedies, including stress reducers, can be used to manage other triggers like emotional stress. Other people turn to herbs and organic foods that have potential positive effects on the prevention of an attack.

Another way of obtaining natural relief from asthma symptoms is to build up your immune system and reduce the constrictions of the air sacs found in the lungs. Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide used in a humidifier improves the availability of oxygen that can be metabolized by the asthma patient.

Adding hydrogen peroxide to the humidifier has been shown to have a positive effect on increasing the amount of oxygen that is able to be used. Adding the hydrogen peroxide will vaporize the product but will also bleach out the wall and curtains near the vaporizer. With careful use, and if your doctor permits it, hydrogen peroxide can be added to the equipment that delivers your bronchodilator.

This method works to eliminate attacks and helps to enhance your immune system, but it doesn't get to the root causes of the disease. There are many other ways to manage emotional stress to provide quick natural relief of a stress related attack. One method is the use of Reiki or a Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing.

Reiki is based on the idea of an unseen life force of energy that supposedly flows through us and what causes life. If the life flow is low then we are supposedly more likely at that time to get sick and feel stress. If the Reiki is high we are more capable, happy and healthy. Reiki is a wonderful therapy that quickly and naturally relieves asthma symptoms, and also benefits your spirit, mind, body and emotions.

Natural relief for asthma symptoms such as stress reduction and other preventative practices will go a long way to reducing your dependence on medications.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Is The Hisotory Of Herbal Medicine Relevant In Today's Medicine?

The history of herbal medicine literally goes back to the beginning of civilization. and although it is really impossible to know exactly when herbal medicine history first began, archaeological remains from early civilizations have revealed that plants were used in burials as well as in various other types of rituals.

In comparison, modern medicine only started around 300 years ago, from around the end of the industrial revolution, prior to that Herbal medicine was the only form of medicine known to man., and it was considered as being an integral part of the overall development of civilization. Herbs have been used by all cultures throughout history, and much of the medicinal use of plants seems to have been developed through observations of wild animals and as well by trial and error.

How To describe Herbal Medicine?

As there are many varied civilizations around the world so there are many different types of natural medicine that use herbs as a part of their practice, and herbal medicine is considered as being a type of approach that uses plant or plant-derived preparations in order to treat, prevent or cure various different health conditions and ailments.

This has changed, today, herbal medicine is considered as being a complementary type of therapy, one which uses plants or plant extracts in order to treat illness. There are also many well-established medicines that come from plants, for instance morphine, which comes from poppies, aspirin and willow bark and which is used quite commonly in the modern day.

It is recommended that before you take any herbal medicine yourself, you should be aware of the herbal medicine history and as well you should make a consultation to see an herbalist. This first consultation will typically take around an hour to complete, and during this time they will ask you various questions about your health, including your medical and family history, lifestyle and emotional state.

Understanding The Importance of Herbal Medicine History

Understanding the importance behind herbal medicine history, namely that by understanding the history you will be able to make better use of the various different herbs that are available at your disposal. Herbs offer a variety of benefits that you can use to add to your life, and so you should definitely incorporate them as much as possible.

By studying the history of herbal medicine along with the relevant uses you will be in a better position to discuss with professional naturopaths and herbalists what herbs are best suited for your requirements. With more and more modern research being carried out on herbal medicines, there is a realization of their complimentary nature. Herbal medicines are now becoming recognized by modern medicine as a valuable adjunct to the overall healing process.

How Graviola is giving hope to cancer patients

Graviola, also known as soursop, guanabana, or Brazilian Paw Paw, is an evergreen tree found in tropical areas of North and South America. The heart-shaped fruit, along with leaves, roots, and stems, has been used in traditional herbal medicine in native cultures for many years. Graviola is a fruit tree native to North and South America and the Caribbean, where it is known by such names as Paw-Paw, Soursop, and Guanabana. The species native to South America is the Guanabana tree, and it is prized for its fruit, which is used in drinks, ice cream, and marmalades. Graviola is a small, upright evergreen tree growing 5 to 6 meters in height with large dark green and glossy leaves. It is indigenous to most of the warmest tropical areas in South and North America including the Amazon.

Graviola should only be taken as a complementary therapy upon the advice of your physician. Graviola products (capsules and tinctures) are becoming more widely available in the U.S. As one of Graviola's mechanisms of action is to deplete ATP energy to cancer cells, combining it with other supplements and natural products which increase or enhance cellular ATP may reduce the effect of Graviola..

Graviola seeds demonstrated active anti-parasitic properties in a 1991 study, and a leaf extract showed to be active against malaria in two other studies (in 1990 and 1993). The leaves, root, and seeds of Graviola demonstrated insecticide properties, with the seeds demonstrating strong insecticidal activity in an early 1940 study. Graviola is indigenous to warm tropical areas in the Americas, including the Amazon. It produces a 6-to-9 inch, heart-shaped edible fruit, yellow-green in color, with white flesh. Graviola has a long, rich history of use in herbal medicine as well as a lengthy recorded indigenous use. In the Peruvian Andes, a leaf tea is used for catarrh (inflammation of mucous membranes) and the crushed seed is used to kill parasites.

Graviola Max combines both species of graviola (Annona muricata and Annona montana) to provide 12 different types of acetogenins,108 distinct powerful chemicals in all. Graviola is thought to relieve temporary depression and nervous conditions. It acts as a nervine that strengthens the functional activity of the nervous system and performs as a relaxant, easing the discomforts of nervous disorders, stress and anxiety. Graviola Capsules are a group of Annonaceous Acetogenins which are only found in the Annonaceae family to which Graviola belongs.

Graviola extract produces these natural compounds in its leaf and stem, bark, and fruit seeds. Three separate research groups have confirmed that these chemicals have significant antitumorous properties and selective toxicity against various types of cancer cells (without harming healthy cells) publishing eight clinical studies on their findings. Graviola tea taken orally or applied on the skin is also used as an insect repellent. Graviola seeds demonstrated active antiparasitic properties in a 1991 study, and a leaf extract showed to be active against malaria in two other studies in 1990 and 1993. The leaves, root, and seeds of Graviola demonstrated insecticidal properties with the seed demonstrating strong insecticidal activity in a early 1940 study.

Getting Vitamin B from Graviola

I decided to write this article to be able to give people an overall understanding about the importance of Vitamin B in our everyday diet.

Magnesium and vitamin B6 can come in several forms; ask your child's pediatrician which forms are best for your child. OBJECTIVE: To test whether a combination of folic acid , vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 lowers risk of CVD among high-risk women with and without CVD. Vitamin B6, along with other members of the B complex, may be of particular importance, given their value in building protein. Protein is necessary to recover from any kind of an injury. The result: After taking some graviola extract it work fantastic for me.

Vitamin B17 is found in most all fruit seeds such as the apple, peach, cherry, orange, nectarine and apricot. It is found in some beans and many grasses such as wheat grass. Have tried all sprays, commercial and homemade, without success but find that taking Vitamin B1 in Graviola supplements does work for me. I start taking it several weeks before travelling to the tropics, or all through summer. Basically, the intrinsic factor allows your body to absorb vitamin B 12 and without it, even if you eat foods rich in vitamin B 12, you can still develop a deficiency. In the case of someone having their stomach removed, vitamin B 12 can be administered by injection which just be continued every three weeks for the remainder of life.

This can occur when the stomach makes less intrinsic factor, a substance needed for vitamin B-12 absorption. This test may also be done to find the cause of nervous system problems. Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: blood clotting/bleeding problems, vitamin B-12 deficiency (pernicious anemia ), diabetes, certain hereditary conditions (e.g., optic nerve atrophy, familial adenomatous polyposis). Before having surgery, tell your doctor or dentist that you are using this medication. Giving these children a single 30 mg tablet of vitamin B6 normalized their urine; however, no behavioral studies were done. Bonisch, reported in 1968 that 12 of 16 autistic children had shown considerable behavioral improvement when given high dosage levels (100 mg to 600 mg per day) of vitamin B6.

Vitamin B-17 (nitriloside, amygdaline) is a designation proposed to include a large group of water -soluble, essentially non-toxic, sugary, compounds found in over 800 plants, many of which are edible. These factors are collectively known as Beta-cyanophoric glycosides. Pyridoxine is needed by rats to cure dermatitis developed on a Vitamin B -free diet supplemented by thiamine and riboflavin. Its absence from diet is also associated with anaemia. RDA for vitamin B-6 is 2 milligrams per day. RDA given is for adults, except pregnant or lactating women, and children over 4 years of age.

Vitamin B6 is widely distributed in the American diet, and baked potatoes, bananas, 100 percent fortified cereals and chicken are particularly good sources. Morris says, "The question our study raises is whether, due to aging, genetics, or exposures, some population subgroups need supplements to achieve the current biochemical definition of adequate status.". However, due to the high prevalence of vitamin B-12 deficiency in older individuals, it may be beneficial to screen them for vitamin B 12 deficiency as part of a medical evaluation for depression. Vitamin B-12 is naturally synthesized by bacteria and is abundant in diets that include meat and dairy products. Following oral intake, it is absorbed in the intestine after binding to intrinsic factor that is secreted in the stomach.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Health Benefits of Flax

Even thousands of years ago, at the early stage of civilization, human beings in such parts of the world as Egypt and Babylon were aware of the many health benefits of Flax towards making a healthy and disease free system.


But what flex seed exactly is?

Flex is a kind of oil seeds that had been produced for thousands of years in the fertile soils at the bank of the river valleys.


The flax can be classified into two broad types:

  • The first variety falls under the category of oil seed and is grown for the sole purpose of being used as seeds.
  • The second variety is cultivated as fiber to be specifically used in the textile industry.


Where to find?

The ancient flax crops were produced as field crops in large scale in the fertile lands of Babylon and Egypt. From these places, the flax production has spread across the countries of Africa and from there to Europe. It didn’t take much time to cross the Atlantic to arrive at USA. Today flax is grown all over the world. But majority of the flax production of world today comes from USA and Canada. In North America as a whole, flax is produced commercially as oil seed varieties. In the USA, vast regions of North and South Dakota are known for their extensive flax production.


The health benefits of flax

It was around 650 B.C. that Hippocrates had made known the magical qualities of flax in reducing abdominal pains. Over the course of history, many health and nutritional benefits have been discovered by the scientists. Today it is considered that flax as the part of balanced diet has the potential of cutting on the risk of many dangerous diseases including cancer and cardio vascular diseases. But how does it make this magic possible? Let’s describe one by one.


Flax seed is the best source of good fats in our body

Flax seed oil comes with a high content of Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fatty acid which we have to consume through the foods, as our body does not manufacture it. Once inside the body, ALA is converted into EPA and DHA. These two substances help maintain heart health and brain function and prevent arthritis and thrombotic disease. ALA also helps in improving immune function, cancer prevention, and male infertility.


Great laxative

Flax is also a great source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. Thus consumption of flax seeds or flax oils works for improved bowel movement and colon function.



Antioxidant properties

Among the vegetations, flax is the highest supplier of lignans---by fighting against some environmental toxins. Lignans also help reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer, especially breast and colon cancers.


Prevents Male Infertility

DHA deficiency in sperm cells leads to male infertility. The ALA in flax helps to overcome this shortcoming.


Now that you know the many natural health benefits of flax, consider adding flaxseeds or flax seed oil to your daily diet in whole, milled or capsule form. For adequate supplementation of ALA and lignans in your body, consider consuming 30 gm flax on regular basis.




Losing Weight With Herbal Treatments

mega green tea

These days, there is a great  need for overweight Americans to lose those excess pounds. Being healthy would not only lead them to have a healthier lifestyle but it will also literally lighten their load,  and improve their overall well-being.

There is a long  list of dieting options available. There are exercise programs, exercise machines, dietary supplements, dietary food and drinks, diet pills - there are even soaps which claim to help you lose pounds while you bathe.

One other available option to shed off those unwanted pounds is to  go herbal.

Herbal weight loss products have been in great demand for people who want to lose weight the natural way. However, when you take herbal supplements to lose weight, you would have to wait for a longer time for the results because of the more subtle effects of medicines which came from plants and natural herbs.

Here are some herbal weight loss options that you might want to consider:

1.   Herbal weight loss products

There are a lot of herbal weight loss products available in the market now. You can check out the Internet and you will find a lot of herbal weight loss pills and products.

Be careful, however, as there are some products which claim to be safe and natural because they are herbal, but some actually have  side effects because of non-extensive research on the effects of these products. Many also claim cure for many ailments or diseases, which should first be verified by your physician.

Here are some ingredients and chemicals which make up some  herbal weight loss products that you should watch out for, as they might have harmful effects to your health:

>  Senna. This is an herbal laxative. Senna is a main ingredient in weight loss teas, and it works by stimulation the colon. The downside effect of this herb is dehydration. It can also lead to colon problems and can become addictive. Some people, when addicted, are unable to perform bowel movements without it, so watch out.

>  Chromium picolinate. This is a synthetic compound found in herbal weight loss products. Chromium is a nutrient which helps regulate blood-sugar level.  However, this ingredient, when taken in high doses, may cause damage in the chromosomes. It can also lead to dehydration.

>  St. John's wort. This supplement increases the production of a chemical in the brain. If not used properly, it may cause eye and skin sensitivity, mild gastrointestinal distress, fatigue and itching.

Although a lot of herbal products claim to be safe and natural, it is better to scrutinize the ingredients and  research about the effects of the product itself before going for these herbal dietary pills.

2.  Organic food.

In Wichita, Kansas, organic food has found its way to more homes and restaurants. Organic food devotees  believe that consuming organic goodies help their bodies as well as the environment.

A person who buys organically raised eggs and vegetables claim to be healthier, and they are not spending money on doctors and prescriptions as these keep them healthier and away from the hospital. This could also be an option for weight watchers, as organic food is known to be kinder to your weight than chemically-processed food products.

3. Green Tea.

Studies show that intake of green tea cream, or green tea extracts burns extra calories. Also, green tea with caffeine can increase fat burning by up to 40% thereby reducing fat.

This is one good option for those who want to lose weight. In a study done, people who took green tea were found to lose 2 to 3 times more weight than those who did not drink green tea.

These results show that green tea is a natural product for the treatment of obesity. Thus, it also makes for a healthier dietary option, not to mention the good effects that it has on the body as compared to caffeine. A cup of tea gives an emmediate energy lift without the side effects of caffeine.

3. Caffeine.

Coffee provides an energy boost to increase fat burning. Caffeine also provides a likelihood to be active, which in turn increases your rate of calorie burn.

4. Immortality Herb

This herb, whose scientific name is Gymnostemna Pentaphyllum, is known to have the following benefits:

>  increases healthy blood flow
>  reduces artery blocks
>  aids healthy blood pressure
>  increases the rate of fat burning

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

There are pills and food supplements whose main ingredient is apple cider vinegar. Here are the benefits of taking this herbal option:

>  weight loss
>  improved cholesterol level
>  improved high blood pressure
>  helps prevent rheumatoid arthritis